Chapter 12 ~Frankenstein is the scientist not the monster~

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Arrested! My mind went blank for a few seconds. I don't think I'm hearing right, because what I heard was Gray telling us tha-

'He got arrested." Kye screamed waving his hands around in the air frantically.  He grabbed his blonde locks and started pulling on his hair. "Chill dude stop freaking out, I'm gonna go bail him out and ty's on his way."

Kye's face relaxed a little once Gray mentioned 'Ty', but I couldn't help but wonder who he was. I'm guessing he must be some sort of lawyer. The guys left to go bail out tobias while Zara and I waited behind. "Ava it's all right he'll be fine."

I glanced over to her and bit my lip, a single tear fell from my eye. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Zara grabbed my hand pulling me towards the kitchen and sat me down on the stool. She rushed around in the kitchen doing god knows what so I decided to check my phone to see if I had any messages. Sadly there was none.

Zara saw my change in expression and handed me a bowl. I hesitantly pulled it closer to me to see what she had 'created'. Yeah I say created because putting the words Zara and cook in the same sentence is a big no no "what the hell is this?"

"Chocolate, marshmallow fluff, brownie pieces, cookie dough ice cream, wafers, caramel sauce, strawberries and whipped cream to top it off. Gotta be healthy and all." She smiled and started stuffing her face, most of it ending up around her mouth. I shook my head and shoved a mouthful of Zara's sweet goodness into my mouth "mmmmmm". Zara smirked triumphantly and put her Ipod on the doc full blast. Little mix, hair, came on and Zara stood on the middle of the island flicking her hair, swinging her hips and singing horribly.

"Zara it's nearly been 3 hours do you think they're okay?" She rolled her eyes and bent down grabbing my hand pulling me onto the island. Don't cha by the pussycat dolls played next and Zara started screaming in my ear with excitement. "OMG AVA ITS OUR SONG!!" I laughed and we both went through our little routine we had made when we were eight to this song. Zara laid on the table belting out the lyrics like Sherzy while I booty popped taking back up dancer. We were so engrossed in our childhood memories that we didn't realise the guys were standing behind us. 

Zara jumped of the counter to turn the music down and I stood there frozen unsure of what to do. "Don't stop now ladies, the show must go on." Zara slapped Kye round the head and I couldn't help but giggle. Slinging off the counter I grabbed my bowl of goodness and ate silently. "seriously though girls I was beginning to get a hard o-"

"Finish that sentence and you die." Kye, Gray and Tobias all glared at the mystery guy. I'm guessing it was Ty and from the looks of what he was wearing he was no lawyer. He looked slightly older than us due to his distinct stubble, in the makings of a beard. He was at least 6 3"and had brown Curley hair and dark brown eyes. At first glance he looked quite intimidating but once you peeled away at his hard exterior he seemed nice.

"Great, just what we needed some more testosterone around here." Zara grabbed her bowl of goodness from Kye and Gray and walked into the living room, the boys chasing after her. Ty's phone rang and he excused himself leaving me and tobias alone. I tugged on my top and bit my lip, averting his gaze. He chuckled and slowly walked over towards me pulling me into a hug. "You worry too much love." I looked up at him the smell of mint and tobacco lingering on his breath. It's funny how smokers seem to think chewing gum will mask the strong tobacco scent. He sent me a toothy grin and I stuck my tongue out at him turning both my eyes inwards to face my nose.

"You still haven't introduced me to this beautiful young woman little brother." Ty stood leaning against the door frame biting into an apple. "Little brother ?" I looked between both of them. How didn't I notice this sooner.  "Ava this is my big annoying arrogant brother, Tyler."

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