Chapter 14~Fast and Furious 8~

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The table fell silent again but every so often I could feel their eyes land on me as if they were expecting me to get up and go after Gray. Of course Kye was the first one to break the silence yet again. "Well this is awk-." I gave him a glare before he could finish his sentence. 

I've never understood why people point out the obvious in awkward situations like it makes it any less awkward. "So, where's Gray taking you on your date?" I looked at Zara unsure of how to answer her question. At this rate was there even going to be a date. "I dunno, he called me yesterday night and asked me but never gave any specifics."

Our conversation was cut short but the sharp sound of a chair being scrapped against the floor. We both looked up to see Tobias heading towards the exit of the cafeteria, barging past people on his way. Someone's on his period. The bell rang signalling it was the end of lunch and I said my goodbyes to Zara as me and Kye had a free period and we headed outside to 'do homework' on the bleachers, which really consisted of Kye perving over the some of the cheerleaders who had practice.

"Eww Kye I still don't know why I spend this period with you." He pushed into me which sent me flying over to the right.

"It's because you get jealous over the hot girls, Av. Don't worry there's plenty of me to go around." This boy was seriously deluded. I ran into him attempting to knock him over but he didn't budge.

"Stupid brick" I muttered under my breath.

"Oh yeah, totally jealous. I can't have you looking at other girls now can I? I want you all to myself."

I winked walking ahead and swaying my hips from left to right. "All you had to do was tell me you wanted all of this."

Just as I turned around to face him my body was lifted in the air and I was face to face with Kye's ass. "Puttt meeee downnn!" Ignoring my request he ran and would occasionally spin around. "Liking the view back there girl?" Cue the dramatic eye roll.

Just as we turned the corner I could hear shouting, which sounded like someone was having an argument. "Bro you could have told me!" Someone shouted.

"I didn't want to because I knew you would react like this!" The other person retorted. "You've got serious fucking issues man stop being a dick!" Those voices sound very familiar.


Kye put me down and I turned to see what the big fuss was, what I didn't expect was to be met with an angry glare.

"Found someone else to sink you claws into?"

Tobias came charging straight towards me and Kye. "Woahh bro, calm down." Kye pulled me straight behind him to block tobias's view of me.

"Leave him out of it, this is between you and me." Gray tapped tobias's shoulder pulling him back but tobias swung around punching Gray causing blood to pour from his nose.

"GRAY!" I screamed and tried to intervene in the boys fighting but Kye pulled me back yet again. Gray lunged onto tobias punching his head and stomach whilst tobias's hands wrapped around his neck.

Enough was enough.

I ran and stood in between the boys before they could attack each other again. "Kye take tobias now!" Tobias expression was filled with sadness and disappointment as he looked at me one last time before heading inside with Kye.

"What the hell Gray?"

I ripped open my bag trying to find something I could use to put on Gray's nose. I was about to hand him my scarf but he'd already taken his shirt off to wipe away the blood. If his nose wasn't bleeding right now I would totally be checking him out. We walked towards the nurses office in silence, still waiting for him to say something to me but my impatience was getting the best of me. "Are you going to tell me what happened or what?"

I stopped Gray outside the office before he could knock on the door. I need answers and I need them now. He looked down on me giving me a small side smile cupping his hand on my face. Immediately I felt the blood rush straight to my cheeks. "It's nothing you have to worry about." He then removed his hand and leaned over me and knocked on the door.

Twenty minutes later and the nurse had given Gray an ice pack to take down the swelling. Luckily enough for him he hadn't broken his nose. We were currently sat on the bleachers while everyone flooded out of school. Gray tried to put the ice back down but I forced it back onto his nose.

"It's soo cold." I rolled my eyes and re-adjusted the pack. "You look really beautiful today, I'm sorry I spoilt everything." He took my hand and looked deeply into my eyes rubbing his thumb against my palm. I felt an electric pulse run throughout my body and I couldn't help but blush yet again. "Gray you didn't spoil anything." I smiled resting my head on his shoulder.

As if on cue Tobias came strolling out of school heading towards his car with Kye. He looked up towards where we were sitting and I could feel Grays's body tense up. He shot us a death glare and then got in the car and sped of revving his engine leaving behind a cloud of smoke.

"I wanna take you somewhere, come on." Gray stood up and held his hand out to me, his orbs sparkling in the sunlight. "I'm not big on surprises." He yanked me up and we headed towards the car park. "I think you'll like this one."

I slid into his Range and turned the A/C on as the sun heated up the leather seats. "Umm Gray what about my car?" I put my bag on the back seat and put my seatbelt on. Gray pressed the ignition button- yes he had one of those new fancy cars that didn't require an old school key. Placing his sunglasses on he sped off, making me subconsciously grip onto the edge of my seat. What is it with these boys thinking they're in some kind of Fast and Furious movie?

"We can either come back for it later, or I'll pick you up tomorrow before school? "Happy with his answer I turned the radio on, and slightly wound down the window before stealing Gray's sunglasses placing them on my face. "They suit you" he turned to look at me smiling and then looked back on the road. "Thanks I might have to keep them." I took out my phone and took a couple pictures of us, well mainly me posing next to the side of Grays face.

"We're here."

Sorry it took a little longer than usual to update but coursework and exams are getting the best of us.

Thank you everyone for reading. Hopefully you guys are enjoying this book. I re-wrote the prologue if you wanna check it out as we're constantly trying to improve our book.

*picture above is Gray

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