Chapter 19~ An invite to family dinner~

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"So my date with Noah is today" Zara told me and she placed a piece of popcorn in her mouth. We were both stretched out on my bed, lying on our stomachs with our legs in the air as we watched our second Disney movie today. "Are you excited?" I asked looking at her wide eyed. She rolled over so she was now lying on her back facing the ceiling "yeah... but pretty nervous too" she said timidly. I swung my body around too, so I was now also lying on my back but I rested my head on Zara's stomach instead, her hand began stroking my hair almost automatically. "You have nothing to be nervous about" I attempted to reassure her, "he's going on a date with you what could possibly go wrong?" I teased and she chuckled a little. "So you'll help me get ready?" She asked hopefully and I rolled my eyes "obviously". 

I helped her straighten her naturally wavy hair, while she put on some makeup- which while minimal, looked amazing. As she was at my house, she texted Noah to pick her up from my address and she borrowed a strapless bodycon red dress from my wardrobe and a pair of black heels that I haven't had the excuse to wear yet. Her phone chimed and we both looked in it's direction knowing exactly who it was from. "You look great Zar, everything will be fine" I said when I noticed she was biting her lip, seeing his car outside my bedroom window we made our way downstairs and he was waiting at the door looking almost as nervous as Zara did. I stayed back in the kitchen and watched as Noah greeted Zara with a hug, feeling like some kind of proud mother watching her daughter go to prom. "Lova ya Av" Zara called out just before I heard the front door close behind them. 

I hated Sundays, for no real reason other than the fact that it just felt right to hate Sundays. Not only are they inherently boring by definition, but they also signify the end of the weekend- or in other words freedom. I loitered around my empty house for a little while unsure of what to do with myself before deciding that my best option was to go for a jog.  Sunset was my favourite time to go out jogging, not only because it looks pretty but also because the temperature is perfect, not too hot or too cold. I left my house and began down the familiar path that's always generally quiet and I almost immediately began to feel the burn on my thighs which was a result of me not going for a while and starting to get out of shape. But it only motivated me to push harder, I ran through the burn growing more intense, my breathing growing sparse, my chest raising faster and beads of sweat beginning to collect on my forehead. I forgot how fulfilling it felt. 

Noticing my local shop come into sight I decided to stop for some water as I forgot my bottle at home. I grabbed the first bottle I saw and headed towards the line to pay "Ava?" my trail of thought was interrupted my a deep voice saying my name questioningly, I turned around towards the direction of the voice and I saw Tyler holding a basket full of food and the image made me smile slightly. "Hi" I said coming out of the line and walking towards him "food shopping?" I asked laughing a little as I watched him struggle with a basket full of food. "It's Sunday" he replied in his thick British accent "and it's not a real Sunday without a roast dinner hence" he said gesturing towards his basket which was now placed on the floor next to him. I laughed suddenly understanding "you sound super British right now" and he shrugged looking as if he probably knew he did. "I honestly pity you guys, how can not have a roast on Sunday?" he asked sounding generally confused. 

"I think I have actually had a couple in my life, and at like thanksgiving and Christmas" I said shrugging slightly, surely that must count. "Oh you poor poor girl" he replied shaking his head, appearing to be generally upset for me. "I have a proposal" he continued "you must come over for dinner tonight so we can show you how it's really done" he said, the beginnings of a smirk marking his lips. For some reason I found myself feeling excited by the thought of going to their house for dinner and an image of Tobias came to mind straight away which I attempted to remove immediately. "Oh that's really nice of you but I'm not sure..." I trailed off, not really knowing what else to say. 

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