Chapter 23~ The Picnic~

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"Are you sure you have it properly?" 

"Yes, I'm fine"

"You're not gonna drop it?" 

"Urghh no" 

"Are you sur-"

"Shush, let's wake her"

The conversation stirred me from my sleep, and I smiled slightly at the sound of those particular hushed voices. I wonder what they were up to, but I found myself wanting to be surprised so I continued to let them think I was sleeping as I felt Harmony's small frame approach me. But she was hesitating. "Uncle Tobs, you sure it's okay to wake her?" He chuckled lightly in response, "I'm pretty sure she won't mind" he reassured her and upon that I felt a small hand being placed on my shoulder as she shook me lightly. 

"Ava I have a surprise for you" she said softly, I opened my eyes to see her leaning over me her golden brown curls hung over my face and her large hazel eyes were wide with anticipation and excitement. She was the sweetest little girl ever. As I sat up she skipped off towards the kitchen, and I turned around curious to see what she was up to. I noticed Tobias leaning against the kitchen doorframe, his arms were folded across his chest as he smiled in a way that reached his eyes. He looked genuinely happy as he watched Harmony do whatever she was doing, it was nice just to watch him this way. 

Harmony walked out of the kitchen holding a plate with a large proud smile on her face, she gestured towards the kitchen with her head at Tobias, obviously telling him to get something and he shook his head at her as he went to collect whatever else she prepared. "I made you breakfast in bed!" She said as she walked slowly over towards me, her entire attention set on not dropping the omelette she was holding. She handed the plate to me, and bounced next to me on the sofa seemingly waiting for my reaction. I placed the plate on the table in front of me and scooped her onto my lap "Harmony this is the sweetest thing ever!" I cooed, pulling her into me and she grinned. 

"I did it all by myself too!" I laughed and glanced over my shoulder at Tobias who was still standing in the doorway observing us. I knew that couldn't possibly be true, she was only little but it was cute that she was so proud. She sighed and folded her arms across her chest, "okay fine" she began, "Tobs did help a little, but he was rubbish." She screwed up her nose in distaste and Tobias and I burst out laughing upon her confession. "I see what you mean" I nodded at her "totally useless" I said as I threw a teasing smile over in his direction. 

After we all ate breakfast we decided to go ahead with yesterday's plans, considering we never actually got to eat any of the food we made for Harmony's picnic. When Tobias told Harmony of his plans, I was pretty sure she would lose her voice with how much she was screeching. We decided to walk to the park, as it was only around ten minutes away. Harmony held my hand as she skipped along the whole way, while Tobias carried the picnic basket next to us. One part of me felt a little weird spending the day with them like this. Although Tobias hasn't seen his brother and niece in a while as they lived in England, he was still obviously really close to them. So I felt a bit like an intruder on their day out, while at the same time I felt lucky to be so welcomed by Harmony. She was such a sweet little girl, and generally didn't seem to mind me tagging along. 

I wondered why Tobias even wanted me here, as much as we were kind of friends, I wouldn't say we were close. But lately he seemed to want to hang out more, and I almost forgot he was the same guy I disliked in Kenya. "Are we almost there yet?" Harmony interrupted my thoughts, and I squeezed her hand knowing she was see the park in precisely any second after we rounded the corner. "Yessss" she cheered, slipping her hand out of mind and she clapped and jumped up and down. "Who would've thought some grass and a swing could make a kid so happy" Tobias mumbled under his breath and I hit his arm, but silently agreed giggling a little. 

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