Chapter 17~ bonding over tea~

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Never have I been so happy to hear the word weekend, well I technically never heard the word because no one said it. But you get the point. I got out of bed with a newfound enthusiasm, and lets be clear, I'm far from a morning person. For what felt like the first time in ages I opened my curtains and was instantly blinded by the sunlight that radiated through my bedroom windows, which was pretty unusual for our town. Sure it got hot sometimes, but this felt different. 

Right on cue my phone chimed indicating that I got a text, I unlocked it surprised to see that it was from Gray, he practically didn't exist before midday. 

Group trip to the beach? You down? 

I've never really considered that fact that we could be considered a group. I guess everything we do defines us as a group, in terms of the  high school definition but nevertheless I had no objections. While we were always connected, Zara and Kye being twins, Zara my bestfriend, Kye and Gray bestfriends, and now Tobias, Gray's childhood bestfriend us hanging out together was kinda inevitable. I guess it's just weird that it took us this long. Still feeling the heat radiating from my bedroom window I decided that there was really no other way I would want to spend my Saturday. 

Sounds like a plan :)

I quickly typed back almost forgetting I never actually responded 

We'll all meet at yours in 1 hour

I got back almost instantly, I put my phone back on my night stand and went to have a quick shower. It didn't take very long for me to throw on my baby blue bikini, a pair on denim shorts, a loose white t shirt that was slightly transparent and a pair of flip flops. Satisfied with my outfit, I quickly  blow dried my freshly washed hair and let it hang free around my shoulders before packing a beach bag and making my way downstairs. 

The house was quiet, as it usually is and someone who didn't live here would probably assume I must be home alone. But I was all too familiar with the subtleties left around that suggested my parents got home from work late last night so are using the day to catch up on their missed sleep. Their shoes were left messily by the front door, their keys on the counter, and their coats draped over the back of the sofa. I rolled my eyes, before moving to place their shoes on the rack, hang their coats and placing the keys I identified as my mums next to her bag. Deciding that it probably wasn't a good idea to wake them up, I quickly scribbled down a little note to let them know of my plans before I went out so they wouldn't be too confused when they woke up. Not that they were here half of the time to know what I was up to anyway. 

Just as I finished leaving it on the middle of the kitchen counter, I heard a car pull up outside my house and instead of waiting for them to ring the doorbell which would probably wake up my parents I beat them to it by opening the door myself. Gray was the first one out of Kye's car, I assumed they would ride together as Gray only lived across the road from Zara and Kye. Gray exited from the back of the car, Zara was sitting shotgun while Kye was driving, I frowned when there was no sign of Tobias in the car "hey isn't Tobias coming?" I asked at no one in particular. 

"He had an errand to run this morning so said he'd meet us here" Gray responded, closing the distance between us and pulling me into a hug, I hugged him back my head on his chest and my arms wrapped around his waist. A few seconds later Tobias pulled up behind Kye's car, and I found myself smiling when I saw him exit his car, "sorry I'm a late" he spoke, appearing slightly out of breath, he ran his hand through his hair which I've come to notice he only does when he's feeling a little unsure or agitated. "We only got here a couple minutes ago too" Kye reassured him, opening his door again ready to get in, "so we ready to go?" Zara smiled doing the same. Everyone nodded getting back in the position they arrived in and I just continued to stand on my porch not really sure where I was supposed to go. 

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