Chapter 20~M.I.A~

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First thing first what do you guys think of our new cover? Defo the best one yet. Anyway on to the story....

Everyone's favourite day of the week finally arrived and I honestly couldn't wait to get home and have a relaxing bath with a few lush products I hadn't tried out yet, and chill out over the weekend. The last bell rang and I packed up my things in a rush to get out. Once in the hallways I tried to search for Zara but I couldn't find her anywhere. Since her little date with Noah she seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth. I tried calling and texting her but still no reply.

I stopped by my locker on my way out to grab a few books but before I had time to enter my combination I heard my name being called from across the hallway. I turned to see Kye jogging over in his football kit.

"And what do I owe the honour." I turned to face my smelly friend.

"Wellll....." He dragged out putting emphasis on the 'L'. "As you have probably realised my ass of a sister has been MIA this whole week leaving me car less." He leaned one arm against my locker just as a few girls walked passed pointing and giggling at him only to build on his ego. "Soo?"

I rolled my eyes shutting my locker. "Soo could you please give me a ride." He looked into my eyes giving me the puppy dog look.

"first could you please put your arm down. You smell so bad." Immediately his face dropped along with his arm. "Thanks. And I will take you home this one time if you promise to spend your Friday night with me and pay for all the snacks." I grabbed his hand leading him outside towards my car.

"Wait hold on. I really have to sacrifice my Friday night for you." I clicked the button unlocking the door. "Yup. Buckle up" Kye switched on the radio and I threw my bags in the back. "But avaaa I was planning on going to a party tonight with the boys my parents aren't home so that means no curfew." He whined banging his head against the glass. "Did you see how cute that girl was back there."

"Well it looks like your plans have changed doesn't it. Besides we all know I'm cuter." I smiled pinching his cheeks before reversing out of the car park.

We stopped in Walmart along the way and Kye being the gentleman he is payed for all the food. Once inside I grabbed a few blankets from Zara's room not trusting Kye's bedding that probably hasn't been changed for months while he had a quick shower. I then set out our snacks and set up the movie.

Kye ran downstairs in a pair of loose shorts that hung low on his hips, white socks and a towel and t shirt in hand. I know he was basically my brother but I couldn't help but look at his abs. The boy was seriously in good shape.

"what are we watching?" He question licking his lips "apart from me of course." I threw a pillow hitting him in the face a dimmed the lights before returning to my seat. "Bad neighbours 2."

I grabbed the blanket and popcorn and put my legs across his lap. At first he questioned my actions but then put his legs up against the coffee table and rested his hand on my calf. "Ah good choice." He smiled grabbing the popcorn bowl from my lap and shoved handfuls of it in his mouth. "Pig!" Kye smirked and then took a sip from my Fanta. "What the fuck dude." I grabbed the can from his hand and Rested it on the floor. "Couples are suppose to share babe." I can't believe this is what my Friday night has come to.

"Good thing we're not a couple then. Babe"

Halfway through the film I noticed Kye texting and laughing to himself and then looking over at me frequently but I ignored his childish behaviour and continued to watch the film. The doorbell rang and a now clothed Kye ran to open the door. I was expecting it to be Zara but this was Kye we are talking about he would not rush to open the door like that for his twin. I put my hair up in a messy bun and paused the film to see exactly what was going on.

"Glad you could make it bro, go straight through there and you can set it up." A random guy walked past me smiling pushing a dolly loaded with speakers and strobe lights. I flicked Kye on the ear causing him to turn around grinning at me. "Kye Taylor do you care to enlighten me on what is going on."

But before he could answer my question Gray and Tobias came stumbling through the door with crates of beer and other alcoholic beverages in their hands. It didn't take me long to realise what was happening. "Seriously your having a party!" I questioned slightly disappointed with the fact that I knew I wouldn't finish my film.

He wrapped his arms around me spinning me around but I brushed him off giving him my best angry mom look.

"Listen Ava baby."

His tone now lowered as he placed both hands on my shoulders. Nuh uh this is not a role reversal. "I promised I wouldn't go out to a party, but you never said anything about bringing the party here." He once again wrapped his arms around me from behind and picked me up ushering me towards the kitchen where the boys were. I sat on a stool and watched all the guys rush around to move the furniture. I scrolled through my snapchat to find Zara and Noah out on yet another dinner date. I must have expressed my thoughts aloud because Gray turned towards me. "Everything alright there Ava." He took a seat next to me and took a swig of his newly opened beer. I heard the front door open and a few giggles coming from the corridor.

Oh great here comes the happy couple. I grabbed Grays drink out of his hand and sipped on it letting him know he wasn't getting it back so he grabbed another from the fridge and clicked his glass against mine and took another swig. "Ava." Zara screamed. "I've missed you girl, why are you hanging around with Kye." Was she being serious right now. Missed me, this girl has dodged my calls all week. "Sorry Ava I didn't quite hear you." She came closer to me embracing me in a hug. I rolled my eyes which caused Gray to let out a low chuckle. "Oh you know I've just been a bit busy lately with school work."

Zara took of her jacket and placed it on the edge of Noah's stool. "Well we have plenty time to catch up today I'm just gonna have a shower and then we can get ready." I gave her a small smile and a nod and then took another large swig of my beer. Noah left to help the guys set up leaving me and Gray alone. "You know Ava you've also kinda been MIA, I texted you and you never replied." I lookrd down at my phone then back to Gray and checked my latest messages to find Grays's unopened message. "Oh I'm so sorry I never even realised." How could I have missed that?

"It's alright Ava but next time you better reply. It took a lot of balls for me to send that message." His cheeks lightly reddened and he must have noticed this because he looked away and brought his drink to his lips.

"You know Evans I never pegged you as the shy type" I leaned over to poke his cheek teasing him. "Well that miss Ava is because I can't help but feel nervous around you." He put both hands on my face lightly and placed a soft kiss on my head then threw his now empty bottle in the bin and wondered out of the kitchen. "You coming to help" he shouted now halfway down the halfway. I placed both of my hand on my face remembering how Grays's hands had been there only seconds ago.

"Uhh yeah."

Thank you all for continuing to read our book and following us along the journey. Next chapter up soon....

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