Chapter 21~ gain one to lose another~

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I looked around the room taking in the scene. The living room, where an hour ago I found myself lying on the sofa preparing to watch a movie was now packed with teenagers socialising or more accurately there wasn't actually that much verbal interaction. I scrunched my nose up at the sight of couples making out in literally every possible space. Jheez get a room, or just a private one at least. I picked up my carton of juice placing the straw in my mouth, as my body absorbed the bitter tasting orange juice I wondered whether it was in fact the orange juice that was making me feel, a little, well... bitter.  I shook my head at my own bad mood, sure I'm not a total party girl, but I don't necessarily despise them either. 

But I guess parties aren't all that fun alone. I haven't seen Zara or the guys for a while now and I wasn't too happy about standing here completely alone. Considering I was standing in a house that was practically my second home I felt totally out of my comfort zone, and actually pretty lost. My trail of self pity was interrupted by my sudden loss of balance, I looked across my shoulder to see an eager looking pair making out so intensely that they had no apparent awareness of their surroundings. They staggered into me, which they were apparently totally unfazed by and took a brief second apart to look at what they bumped into, and the girl narrowed her eyes at me accusingly while the guy just focused his attention on pulling her face back towards his. Seriously? Is this what the world has come to? I stepped out of their way, and decided to take refuge in the kitchen, maybe one of the guys will be in there anyway topping up the drink stash or whatever, but no one looked familiar. 

I slid onto one of the stools, and was faced with an island full of alcohol bottles. My eyes grazed across a few of the labels; vodka, jagermeister, tequila. I shook my head at the mere sight of them, alcohol never ends well for you Ava I mentally told myself and I grimaced at the few memories I had of myself where alcohol was involved. I continued to stare at the bottles taunting me, while thinking of my lack of friends and the millions of couples that need to get a room. But this is supposed to be normal for my age right? This is what teenagers are meant to do? It's all a part of our learning process. With these thoughts my eyes flickered to the edge of the island which occupied a tower of shot glasses and red paper cups. What am I thinking?

I did tell my parents I would crash here, and I would probably have more fun if I loosened up. So there's actually no real harm I reasoned. At this point I knew my mind was already made up, I grabbed a shot glass from the tower and decided to start simple. Vodka. I filled the shot glass up to the brim and pulled it up to my lips, my nose scrunched slightly as the smell filled my nostrils but I brought the glass to my lips and swung my head back allowing the sharp liquid to easily slide down my throat, leaving a tingly sensation on its way down. My chest automatically warmed with the alcohol entering my system and I felt a rush of adrenaline which lead me to reach for the bottle again. Hey, who said drinking alone was depressing after all?

After a few more shots, the routine began to feel too familiar and I felt slightly buzzed. I wouldn't say I was drunk or even tipsy, I wouldn't really call myself a lightweight even though I don't drink often at all. "Hey there sweet thing" a thick southern accent drawled above me, I looked up to see a guy approaching my stool and I reluctantly put down the shot glass that was at my lips. He didn't look familiar, but yet again I'm not one of the most sociable in our school so there's probably quite a few people I don't actually know. "What's such a pretty girl doing drinking alone then?" He asked, sliding onto the stool next to mine, his eyebrows raised awaiting my answer. He seemed pretty harmless, he had a roundish face, with wide brown friendly eyes and a mop of dark brown hair on his head. But he was built like a football player, stocky and tall. The gentle giant type. 

I put the glass down on the counter with a thud and turned towards him, "my friends ditched me" I frowned at the thought of them and whatever they were doing and figured I must look pathetic right now. "So I thought I would have some fun alone" I continued, looking down not able to reach to gaze. He didn't say anything for a while, he just scrutinised me, I felt his eyes pierce mine as though he was trying to see right into my mind. "And the only way to have fun is to drink straight spirits?" Yup, definitely pathetic. 

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