Christophe 6

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Christophe awoke on his rock bed, and instantly felt pain in his back.
'NEVER sleep on a bed of rocks unless nessasary.' He thought to himself.He got to his feet and cracked his back a few times. The young boy looked around his enviorment.

'No sign of that bitchy boy..' He thought with relief.

Christophe walked around a bit, but came to a sudden stop, he realized he was starving.
'It's not like I'm going to find a damn food court here! Keep moving!' He thought. He didn't say it, but he was kind of missing his british friend. Christophe left with no warning, and left him to defend for himself against a giant man eating bee, plus his mother is probably worried sick, (or maybe she was glad he was missing).

'Gregory would be really helpful in a situation like this' Christophe thought.

"Yeah, because you could eat him." A voice said behind him. Christophe swung his shovel into the figure, but it teleported back infront of him, only to reveal Damien.

"You little bitch!" Christophe tried to strangle him, but Damien teleported behind him, and kicking him into the crimson ground.

Christophe got up and stood facing the demon."What do you want? Why the hell are you here?" Christophe asked impatiently.

"You seemed hungry." Damien said plainly.

"No shit, I'm in hell I'm literally suppose to be in pain! I'm suppose to be starving!" The french boy snapped.

"Yes, but you aren't dead, only dead people get the special treatment." The demon said.

"Why did you bring me here again if you don't want me dead!?" Christophe yelled once again.

"I won't tell you." Damien said plainly.

'Useless son of a bitch..' Christophe thought sitting down on a giant rock.

Damien threw an apple at him, "I need you alive, eat this."

"Why? Is it poisioned? Are there razors in it? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME FOR A DAMN PROJECT?!" Christophe yelled.

"Because you're starving, and no,no, and no." Damien said teleporting beside him on the rock. "You're going to have to get used to me being around." The demon said, and Christophe rolled his eyes.

"You're bee friend also came here today, its dead so you're little friend must've killed it." Damien said flatly, looking out into the distance.

Christophe was relieved, though he didn't want Damien to know it.
"Good for him." He said throwing the rest of the apple into the lava.

"Anyways, I've come to inform you that you're friend IS trying to help you." Damien said.

"I know, shut up." Christophe said flatly. On the inside he was really relieved. Gregory was smart, he'd get here in probably a few days.

Damien left him alone for the rest of the time. Christophe walked around a bit, kicking up small red rocks into the lava bed beside him.

'I'll have to ask that kid on how time works here aswell.' He lit a cigarette, and relaxed on the side of a rock.

'This is just LOVELY.' He thought.

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