Christophe 14

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ok also so this is kinda mainly Gregory I'm sorry.

The crew left City Wok with ease. Once they got out, Gregory sprinted up to Damien and spat in his face.

"You imbicle! You were suppose to keep them away!" Gregory flicked the demon, but his hand went through his face." My apologies I forgot about your issue..." Gregory stepped back and rubbed the back of his neck. Damien just rolled his crimson eyes in disgust.

"Idiots, keep moving!" Christophe yelled, already halfway down the street.

The crew sped up, and eventually made it Gregory's abode on the outskirt of town.

"So, what the hell do we do with this thing now?" Gregory said, putting ths toaster on the table.

Christophe and Gregory's mothers went out that night to do some businuess with the DeLorn household. Who knows when those two will arrive home.

"I'm a fukin' ghost you ninny. Figure it out yourself." Christophe retorted.

The group of, well, friends sat and stared for awhile. The toaster did no harmful moves toward them. Hell, Pip even volenteered to stick a fork in and see if it attacks. Talk about soldiership.

"We will work with this tomorrow, it has been a long day lets get some rest." Gregory sighed.

"Good idea.." Pip yawned.

"It wasn't that long-"

"Christophe, shut up." Gregory spat.

Pip then left to wherever he lives and Damien transported back to Hell leaving Christophe here.

The boys found themselves up in Gregory's room and sat down on the bed.

"I'll sleep over there," Christophe pointed to the Les Misérables poster in the corner of the room." The others will be back tomorrow, hopefully."


The morning sun arose, and Christophe was already up and running to start his day. He shot up from the corner and ran downstairs, not even bothering to wake up Gregory.

Once he was downstairs, he noticed a little blonde boy waving from the window, he opened the door and Pip walked in with the biggest smile.

"Lovely morning isn't it? Sorry I came so early by the way." The british boy smiled, and sat down in a nearby chair.

"Sure whatever, where is Damien? We have to hurry up." Christophe asked sitting down infront of him.

"Oh, uhm, I didn't see him on the way here. He must be running late, I assume." Pip said.

"Of course he is."

After a few minutes, Gregory came downstairs and sat down with the two.

"Good morning." He said.

"It is not a good morning, Damien is fucking late." Christophe crossed his arms and slouched into his chair.

"He'll be here soon calm down." Gregory rolled his eyes.

Then, something came through the door as in literally emerged from the door and of course, it was Damien.

"Hello!" Pip smiled.

"Great, now that everyone is here we should talk about the...toaster..." Gregory stated.

"Well, it turned into a fucking giant man eating bee and almost killed my mother and burnt down my fucking house." Christophe retorted.

"Yes, we know.." Gregory said.

"Lets try and make the bee mad! Then, we could fight it and once it dies you two," Pip pointed to Christophe and Damien." Can be back to normal."

"Alright, and how do we fight it?" Gregory began to pace around the table.

"Just shoot the fucking thing." Christophe retorted whilst kicking his feet up.

Gregory looked over in a drawer by the stairs and pulled out a pistol. It was his father's, but he told Gregory he must only use it for emergencies and emergencies only.

Gregory shrugged and fired the gun right into the center of the toaster. Pip shrunk down into his seat waiting a giant bee to form.

The crew thought the bee was dead but before they could confirm it, the groumd began to shake vigorously.

"O-oh dear.." Pip shot up from his seat and took a step back.

"Everyone back.." Gregory ordered. Everyone ran behind the counter, everyone but Christophe that is.

He stood their staring down into the now violently shaking toaster. Ticking could soon be heard, as if the toaster was going to explode. Damien and Pip didn't wait longer. The two made their way outside leaving the door wide open.

"Christophe get the hell outside!" Gregory demanded. Christophe, however, refused to listen and waited right infront of the toaster. The shaking became more intense, which resulted Gregory's mother's china collection breaking into pieces.

"Jesus 'Tophe.." Gregory sighed as he lunged at Christophe's torso throwing him against a wall.

"What the hell was that for you bitch!" Christophe yelled as a china plate broke right next to him.

Gregory ignored him and picked Christophe up throwing him over his shoulder. The two boys just made it outside when the giant bee bursted from the side of the wall. He threw Christophe onto the snow once his friend finished his line of curses.

Christophe arose and picked up his shovel. Gregory followed and unsheathed his sword. Damien and Pip ran into view and stood beside them.

Soon, people began to crowd Gregory's home, taking pictures, screaming, and calling over there friends.

"Well, Kill that bitch since I obviously can't do shit!" Christophe gave a dirty glare at Damien who just shrugged.

"Holy shit dude! What is that?" A voice said.

Before Gregory could see who it was, the bee lunged knocking him into the side of the house. Police sirens could be heard in the distance making there way closer and closer.

Gregory had a hard time standing, his sword lay far away from his reach. He finally was able to stand, but once he was fully upright he saw none other then Pip with his sword in hand.

"Why haven't you been a very rude little girl today? I've learned not to trust giant robots!" Pip smiled raising
Gregory's sword.

Then he charged.

People's mouths hung agape, including Christophe's. Pip was swift, he slashed at the bottom of the metal bee to get it's attention. It flew down skimming right above Pip's hat. Though his vision was still blurry, Gregory could see the wires in the bee's neck where he must be planning to attack.

"Dude, is that Pip!?" The voice yelled again

Pip ran behind a nearby tree, the bee soon noticed where Pip was hiding and sped up towards him. Then with a loud BANG! the bee flew face first into the tree.

The young brit climbed over the side and cut every wire in the bee's neck. Sparks flew for a minute or so, but died off shortly. Pip hopped off and smiled at his accomplishment. People began to cheer and clap, police officers took the remaining parts of the bee and cuffed them, as if it could move away.

Pip ran over to Gregory's aid and threw his arm around him to help him walk. Gregory began to limp over to his doorstep and sat down.

"Well, good work Pip.. I guess. Now, you two have got to change us back." Christophe said.

"Though you two aren't exactly angels you'll have to do.." Damien rolled his eyes and with a snap of his fingers the four were back in hell.

Christophe's Sugoi ToasterWhere stories live. Discover now