Gregory 15 [END]

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Once in the Underworld, Gregory became aware on what he had to do. Christophe didn't seem that fond of being back as well, but he and Damien began to transform back into their lively state.

"Well, you all can go now.." Damien said.

A door emerged from the rocky surface and shot open. Pip ran over and said his goodbyes to Damien and said that they would see eachother soon.

Once the crew finally made it back to Gregory's house, they noticed the hole in the wall was fixed. On the doorstep was a sticky note that read;

Lovely meeting you! Here's a goodbye gift.

They tossed the note aside and Pip walked up to the two.

"I'm so glad I met you two! You are probably the nicest people I've met here.. Anyways, I hope we could hang out sometime, good day gentlemen!" Pip tipped his hat, bowed and walked off.

An hour after, Christophe and Gregory sat on the porch step looking up as the sun sets. Gregory's mother and Mrs. DeLorn still haven't shown up yet.Of course, neither of the two could care less.

"Well, that certainly was an..exciting.. adventure." Gregory said, hoping to break the awkward silence between the two.

However, Christophe was lost in thought. He kept staring off at his used-to-be house.

"Exciting..Sure.." He muttered while sitting back.

Gregory went inside to see that everything was back to normal. The china was all back together, the chairs and tables weren't scattered all over the ground, even his father's pistol was back in it's rightful place.

"Get back out here asshole we have guest!" Christophe's voice boomed from the outside.

Gregory opened the door to see the kids from the USO show. Fat kid, Kyle, Stan, and the kid who risked his life to Satan or something.

"Dude, what was that thing?" Kyle asked looking around as if it was still here.

"What thing." Gregory said.

"You know, that like.. bee thing.." Stan asked.

"What bee thing?"

"It was probably a fake you guys." The fat kid rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Cartman." Kyle retorted.

"Well it was nice seeing you lot again if you don't mind we have work to do." Gregory grabbed Christophe by the shoulder and dragged him inside.

"Why the hell didn't you tell them?" Christophe asked.

"Because, it is none of their business." Gregory replied.

Christophe just shrugged it off and sat on the sofa. Gregory followed and sat beside him. Not even two minutes later the door opened and Gregory's mother walked in followed by Mrs. DeLorn.

"Wow this place certainly looks better then before we left, did you boys clean?" Mrs. DeLorn asked.

"Uh, sure." Christophe replied.

The two women went upstairs leaving the boys in the living room. They turned on the TV to the news which of course was talking about the bee incident.

'Young british boy Pip Pirrup saved the town of South Park today. Fighting off what he claims to be a giant toaster bee. The residents of the town are throwing him a celebration planned by the mayor herself.'

Gregory couldn't help but smile. Pip finally got some recognition from the people of this town. Christophe however wasn't that joyful about it.

"How come that little prick got all the attention? Were the ones who planned this entire goddamn thing." He spat whilst slouching down into the sofa.

"You don't think he deserved it?" Gregory asked.


"Of course you don't.." He smiled." Only you.."


Ayy, I finally finished! So this book was kinda short but it was just for fun, I plan on writing an EnjolTaire soon I just need some ideas. Anyways I wrote this because its my South Park otp even though it isn't really a shipping book heh.. Thanks for reading!

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