Christophe 13

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So here he was.
'I'm in some stupid room with some blonde british idiot I don't know, and some other blonde british idiot I do know.' Christophe thought.

He took a good look around the room, then he felt less tense knowing that the room was Gregory's. On the other hand, Gregory didn't seemed relaxed. At all. The boy next to Gregory was named Pip apparently, but Christophe only knew this because Damien had to tell him to shut up a billion times. It soon fell silent for a few moments until he finally decided to speak up.

"We should get to work," Christophe said." If you're coming here to save my ass from Hell you have to be ready."

"Father hates intruders." Damien smirked.

"I'll be coming with." Pip spoke softly, adjusting his cap.

"Are you sure?"Gregory asked. This mission will be very danger-"

"I'll be fine." Pip interrupted stiffening his posture.

"Whatever, Oh and Damien." Christophe said to which the demon looked up. "Don't be an ass."

The next flew hours flew by swiftly. Damien and Pip teamed up to draw out a sketch on how to get to Hell, but Damien got pissed and set it to flames along with bits of Pip's hair. On the other hand, Christophe and Gregory worked in complete silence. The two pratically grew up together, so they can read eachother's body movment, eye language, and anything else about them, almost like they can read eachothers thoughts. This made Christophe to stop and take a look at his 'partner in crime'. He looked like he has had insomnia for weeks. His golden hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, and his movements were shakey, but it didn't seem to bug him. That made Christophe smirk, which is very unlikely to happen.

"What?" Gregory stopped his writing abruptly and made eye contact with Christophe.


"You keep staring." Gregory said.

"You look terrible."

'Smooth move idiot.' Christophe thought.

His companion just let out a hefty sigh, and got back to work. Minutes of silence went by. The two finished their distressing work as the duo that sat infront of them bickered about countless necessities. This gave Christophe time to start a nice conversation.

"Why?" That was the only thing Christophe had said, but his friend got the point.

Gregory let out another sigh, and stiffened his posture against the hardwood wall. "Because, you would never be able to survive on your own, as much as you disagree and see otherwise it isn't true. I was making sure you don't get yourself killed." He paused for a second."..I would never forgive myself."

Christophe quickly made eye contact, gazing into Gregory's ice blue eyes, but forced himself to look at his prints. Due to him being a spirit he couldn't do anything, he was utterly useless.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I have no idea why I look so dreadful." Gregory smiled only lightly and pushed is blonde hair behind his ear.

Christophe rolled his eyes, and stood up cracking his back and knuckles. "Alright, now heres the game plan; Gregory and Pip, you got to go downtown and get us too City Wok." Christophe pointed at them.

"Excuse me..?" Gregory looked at his companion like he had three heads.

"Yes, City Wok, they gave my mother the toaster; they most likely know how this happened."

"But how does that help you? That information is useless Christophe!"

"Just trust me, and look around to see if there is any paranormal activity." Christophe looked at Damien who just nodded.

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