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I squinted my eyes open to the poorly lit room, everything was blurry and my head hurt. I tried moving but couldn't . tied up I was with barely no memory of what had happened except for Jase telling me he raped me. No that couldn't be! He was lying to me. The man I loved couldn't have raped me.

I heard the door creak.

"who is there" I asked scared.


"please come and untie me" I begged as my eys began to water due to the unbearable pain.

Who did this to me?

"I know someone's there." I tried trying to sound brave.

"of course there is." A male, cold, hoarse voice replied, as I could feel him glaring at me walking closer.

"Who are you?" I choked out.

"Be quiet or your death would be nearer" he all but replied nicely.


He was going to kill me?

But why?

Interrupted by small voices engaged in a thorough conversation , I listened harder.

Wait ! I knew that voice!

It was the same one I had heard loads of times.


Why was she here?

Did she have anything to do with my kidnap?

"Irina Del Castillo" I heard her voice emphasizing each name.

"I finally have you at my mercy"

"Zoey, why are you doing this?"

"Why? You're asking why?" she moved closer slapping me hard on the face as I felt blood trickle down my jaw.

"Because you had everything I couldn't. beauty, brain, money and most of all HIM!"

She let out a loud sigh.

"You knew how much I liked him. No! loved him! Yet you still went ahead with the arranged marriage. I hate you!" she yelled hitting me once again.

"But hey, I always have the last laugh."

"Causing your father's accident was a minor deal. You want to know what I enjoyed the most doing?"

She paused and I could tell she was relishing the moment.

"Drugging Jase that night and watching him do all those things to you! Watching you beg and scream." Yet another evil laugh.

"I've always had you at my mercy and now your life is in my hands. To do as I please!"

"Soon, very soon, I'll be Mrs. Zoey Tyler Williams."

She let out another laugh.

This was definitely not the Zoey I knew.

She was aggressive and angry at life. A feeling I had experienced some time ago.

I heard footsteps and then muffled voices.

I recognized Tyler's voice.

The door creaked open and I was even more scared than ever.

She got what she wanted.

Now she was going to kill me.

This was the end of it all.

The pain, suffering and love.

I was right, as I felt the tip of a gun pointed to my head.

"Please don't do this." I sobbed.

No response.

"I'll give you anything you want."


"Any amount, please just don't kill me:

"Shut up!" an echoing male voice thundered.

The door creaked open again and I could tell it was Zoey.

I could feel her eyes filled with hate on me anticipating my death.

This is the end of my life!

"Say your last prayer Irina Del Castillo or rather let me give you the honor of hearing my tribute to you for the first and last time."

She paused to give the eerie life I hated so much, then mock clearing her throat.

"Irina.....oh my dear Irina. My best friend and cruelest enemy. I love and hate you with the same intensity. You had everything I always wanted. Beauty, money, popularity and to top it all off, a kind heart. You were proud. You noticed all the guys swooning over you but pretended not to. The star of the show. A good combination of beauty and brain , I wouldn't argue." I could tell she was crying, her voice sounding choked as it brought tears to my eyes.

"But you crossed the line when you stole the one thing I could ever have and loved and I will always hate you for that."

She let out a forced sigh.

"Well now you have to go. Your creator awaits you. Go to hell where you belong IRINA... DEL...CASTILLO."

And the gun went off...

I must definitely apologize! its been almost a year and I'm very very very very sorry for not updating. I have been very busy but I promise that I would try to update at least once a month. it could be more;) Thank you!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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