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These past few days have been stressful for me, with work and other personal stuff. This reminds me, WORK! I still had to call the CEO of the ‘Montero’ company.

I honestly thought work was going to be so easy when I start but now it’s just too stressful. But at least it’s taking my mind off a lot of things I don’t ever want to remember again.

Although when I’m with Bella, I didn’t even want to remember my problems again.

I trusted her completely, well because she trusts me so why can’t I?

My phone beeping broke me out of my thoughts.

“Hello” I said without taking a look at the caller ID.

“Hey girl!!! Are you awake?”

Speaking of the devil, Bella.

“Nope it’s her twin” I replied jokingly.

“Good cause I know she won’t like what I’m about to say” she spoke half-laughing.

“What?!” I questioned.

“Jeez, Irina , I haven’t done anything bad, chill!”

“okay, so what have you done?”

“Nothing bad, but we’re about to.” She said.

“We are?”


“ Gawd, Bella I’m gonna have an attack if you don’t spill it out now”

“Okay, I know you’re not going to like this”

“just talk already.”

“WE ARE GOING CLUBBING!!!” she yelled over the phone.


“I said we-are-going- clubbing- tonight” she emphasized.

“I heard you the first time. I’m not going—NEVER!” I argued.

She knows everything, she knows there’s no way in hell I’m going there.


“no, I’m not listening. I’m not going, capisce?”

“Irina, you’re going and that’s it. Yor life isn’t over because of what happened . you’re young, beautiful and sexy as hell. Gosh Irina, I love you and I want you to be happy. You need a break, so YES you’re going.”

With that tone I knew I couldn’t win.


“no buts, you’re going.” Sighing

“Okay, what time.” I surrendered.

“Great, I’ll come by in 20, the drive there is 2 hours. The fun starts around 8 and we deffs need to look sexy.”

“Why?” I whined.

“ cos’ that’s where the hot guys go”

“ but I’m not interested.”

“ yes you are.” She chuckled.

“ okay…anything else?”

“ yes, don’t worry about your clothes, I’ve got it covered.”

“ bye see you soon.”

“ bye.” She replied as I hung up, before she brought up another crazy idea.

I checked my phone, it was 3:35. Geez did I sleep that long.

I took a quick shower. I rushed downstairs to find my lunch prepared.

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