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I watched as Irina had slept. I didn’t want to wake her up but I had to we were landing soon.

She had always dreamed of coming here but never had the time.

I gently tapped her as she gradually awoke.

“Are we there yet” she said in a croaked voice.

“Yes we are princess”

“So now can you tell me where we are?”

“You’re just about to find out”

“Ughh” she groaned

We had landed safely and phase one of our plan was completed.

I winked at Isabella and I could see her blush.

We had grown close this week.

She is an amazing person but I’m not sure of my feelings towards her.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Irina told me we could exit the jet.

Phase two begins

I handed her a blindfold and I could see the glint of sadness in her eyes but that would soon be gone.

I helped her into the car and we drove off.


As we got off the plane, Tyler handed me the blindfold again.

What was all this about, anyways?

I thought as it seemed like I was being helped into a car

After minutes of driving in silence, I was tired.

“Guys, can I take this off now?” I whined.

“Nope just for a few more seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1”

I quickly took it off and the car came to a halt


We were in the city of love.

We were in Paris.

Right in front of the Eiffel tower

I stared at it as it was all like a dream.

I heard someone’s cleared throat.

“so are you just gonna stand there and stare or thank those you’ve been nagging at all day?” I heard Bella say.

“Aaah, Bella I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I just have a hard time trusting people, I didn’t mean to yell at you.” Running over to hug her back as she hugged me immediately

“I understand totally.”

I turned to face Tyler.

“You naughty boy, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I would have ruined the surprise.”

I hugged and thanked them once again, as we headed over to the penthouse Tyler had said he booked.

I asked about the company and Tyler said it was in good hands.

The next day, Tyler and Isabella had gone out to get groceries. Those two were becoming really close.

I felt bored and lonely, an idea popped.

I plopped out of bed, adjusted my cloth and makeup.

I left and walked over two rooms down the hall.

I heard him playing the guitar and contemplated if I should knock or just walk away…

Finally, I knocked.

“Irina?!” he looked shocked.

“Hi” I waved bouncing on my toes.

“What do you want?” he spoke rather harshly.

“Can I at least come in?” I asked.

“Uhmm…I guess”

“I heard you playing the guitar, I didn’t know you played.” I spoke picking up his guitar and fiddling with it.

“Yeah, I play sometimes. I’m not that good”

“You sounded good though and do you also sing?” I dropped the guitar on the bed

“A little, now what exactly do you want?” he asked coldly.

“I just wanted to talk to you, no one else’s around and i have nothing to do.” I swayed like a little child.

“Well I have things to do so please excuse me.” He rudely said.

I walked towards the door, turning abruptly.

“Why do you hate me?” I questioned him.

“I don’t hate you.”

“Then why don’t you like being friendly?” I furthered.

“You just don’t understand.”

“Make me.”

I don’t know where the sudden courage came but I don’t why I really wanted him to like me.

“You remind me of someone I want to forget.” He finally confesses.

“We all have something we want to forget about, trust me.”

“What do you mean?” he inquired.

“Let’s take a stroll.” I requested preparing myself for his no.

To my surprise, he agreed and we got going.

We walked around to different places, deep in our conversation.

Since he was Isabella’s brother I opened up to him about the rape, miscarriage and how I became a workaholic at such a young age.

His next question surprised me.

“If you saw your rapist today, what would you do?”

I pondered on it for a while, finally replied.

“Honestly, I don’t know what I’ll do, he almost ruined my life. Although he made me somewhat a stronger person, but all I’ll ask is why he did it.”

I laughed sadly.

“Can we change the subject?” I asked

“Yeah sure.” He responded.

In turn he told me some of the things Isabella had told me.

He talked about his extreme depression, drug addiction, his parent’s death.

How he had hurt someone so badly, he was suffering.

“Let me give you an advice, just because I’m like someone you hurt doesn’t mean you have to hurt me or someone else. I’m not that person and all I’m offering is my sincere friendship.”

I brought my hand out for a handshake which he accepted, surprisingly pulling me into a warm embrace.

This by the way felt so good.

A smile curved on my lips as we pulled away walking hand in hand back to the penthouse.

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