Chapter 18

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Laura's POV;

I sit in my chair and look at Vanni. She looked back and smiled, got comfortable and said, "So what's your background story?"

I looked down and tried my best not to smile. My background story? Every single thing that happened in high school..

"Just a crush and then not just a crush.."


Nobody had seemed to understand, but me, but Ross, but Rydel.

I've been through so much, and it was all for a boy. In the way, with many crushes, and yes, I even thought about Ellington. But no..

So to the worst boys, best boys, I've ever met, seen, glanced, thank you.

For being a part of my life. And for letting me think of you anytime I want.

"Ross was my heart in high school, and I was pretty obsessed. He never liked me until now.."

She nodded slowly, "Do you think there's a reason behind that?"

Yes, I know that reason.

Relany made him.

She made him like me. Which didn't turn out so good.

After she did, Ross gave up on her and realized he actually liked me.

The only deep thing I don't know about Ross, is why?

I bit the inside of my cheek, shook my head no.

But I needed to find out..

I got up and walked straightly out the door. I really don't care if I was in my pajamas, I really didn't. I went to Ross' dorm and opened it.

Riker was having breakfast while Ross was sleeping, as usual.

"You know, you should really lock the door," I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Want my fries?" He asked and motioned me to sit next to him. I shrugged and got his fries while mumbling a thank you.

"So what's up?" He asked and I looked at Ross.

"Just wanted to talk to Ross about something.."

"Ooh, are you gonna break up with him?"

I looked at Riker and shrugged, "I really don't know.."

His eyes started turning glossy. I knew he said that as a joke, but I was serious. "Wh-what! Why?!"

I looked down, "Look, it's not Ross. It's just I really don't know where to go next and it's bothering me."

Riker stared at me, "You need Jesus in your life.."

Is that supposed to be offensive?

"Yea, I know. But He's already in my life, in fact, he should be the only male I need in my life, along with God!" {I'm sorry if I offended someone in anyway.}

Riker looked at me weirdly, "It was a joke, but uh.. Okay.."

"Well it's not a funny one! ... Just tell Ross I need to talk to him.."

And with that.. I left his dorm.


Heyyyyyy KitKats!

It got to 43 votes, SO THANK YOU!

Who is familiar with Paul and Danny? Anyone out there?! IF YOU DON'T, PLEASE GO TO YOUTUBE AND SEARCH UP PAUL AND DANNY!

My friend @kym_the_potato is obsessed! If you do like the, please follow her and and read her amazing book!

Anyways.. I know I haven't been very active this year. And I'm sorry 😐

It's just school is ughh.. BUT I AM IN SUMMERRRRR!!

Which is apparently boring.

But I really don't know what to do. Like, I text Aryanna and really only her, BECAUSE I'M LONELY 🙀

If you don't want me to be lonely, please DM me and become my best fren 👯

I love you all 💕 You guys make my life complete, and I hope I'm in yours!

-KitKat 💭

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