This Full Moon

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The sound of the leaves rustling startled them. The cold wind brushed against their skin; making them shiver with fear.

"No, we can't be like that. We never get sacred,"

All of them sighed. It had been 2 years since they've been in the run; since they had crossed paths, they each had discovered a secret about each other. One that bonds all of them together. It was quiet, peaceful, for a slight moment before footsteps were heard hurrying through the crackled leaves which had fallen on the floor.

They picked up their pace again and ran, they ran hard and far. They were hoping no one would find them again, they were hoping that they would be safe, and sound. Forever.

They rushed through the forest and reached the street. It was night time, but it was still bustling with people here and there. They calmed down and walked into the crowd. It would be hard to spot them here. They walked together as a pack, earning stares and whispers from everyone.

They didn't know who they were; but they soon will.

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