Two Unknown Beast Meet

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"Now Ladies"

I looked up at the teacher, her name was Jessie the Monkey. But she wants us to call her Professor.

"I don't think of calling you Girls because we are all Ladies! But to show your the most beautiful lady of all, go pick those flowers! make sure your baskets full"

All the girls dashed off, this class was only for the girls, so there was many girls here. I knelt down, and jumped up in the air to jump in the tree, I peeked out, and saw far off the boys lining up,


I crawled to the other side, some girls were running in the fields, others picking up random flowers, I put my basket on my head, and looked into the forest that was far off.


I jumped down, and ran toward the forest, no one was paying attention to me, so I just went in, I jumped over bushes and dodged branches, I saw a little river, and I stepped on the rocks, making it across but then. I smiled, I rushed to some gate, and it held roses like a rainbow!! It was amazing, but when you enter through the gate, it gets darker and darker, I began to feel scared. At the end of this broken sidewalk, was this little house, It looked burned, and falling apart.


I walked inside slowly, and saw the ground had some roses growing on the walls, but then, in the middle, I saw it..


My chest tightened. I reached slowly for this dark flower.


I picked it, putting it in my basket, I gathered all the other roses, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, and so on so on, it was full of different ones! I cant believe it! I dashed back, and on the way, I picked up some flowers that weren't roses, like Lilies, Daisies, and whatever else was out here!

"Amy! Amy! Where are you!"

I could hear the teacher calling me, I burst in tears of joy, I ran and ran, but then I stopped in my tracks.

"She's probably joining her kind, with the beast out there"

I froze, my tears stopped, and the smile I had went down, I ran with the basket, the cloth i put over the flowers not to fly out, stayed in, I kept running,


I tripped scrapping my knee, I burst into lonely tears, the flowers fell, and scattered,


I was screaming but no sound came out.


"That's where she belongs"

I cried,


I stood up, and looked at who spoke, that voice!

"You okay?"


I stared at him, the one who calls himself Shadow.

"Amy right? Why are you crying?"

He kneels down, he has a bag full of gems and jewels.


I stare at him blankly, I stood up, and grabbed my basket gathering my flowers.

"Hmm? Want help?"

He grabbed a few roses and put them in, but then I began crying again, I looked around. Crap! The black rose!!

"What's wrong?!"

He read off my face that i was angry, and sad, I felt so many emotions, I wanted that rose!

"Oh look here, the two beast meet!"

I looked up, and saw Sally holding my Black Rose.

"Oh this? Well I saw your fall there, and saw this on the floor, it's perfect for my basket~"


I glanced to Shadow, he was trembling, he must be in the same boat, but he's stronger than me.


"That's hers"

My eyes widen, I looked at Shadow,

Is he standing up for me?

"Give it back...Or else-"

"Or Else what? A boy g- Oops i mean Monster!"

I saw Shadow grin, the girls laughed, and he dashed, my hair flew along with the dash thats how fast he was! 

"Thank You"

He was right back next to me, he was fast like that Sonic kid, maybe even faster!


He put the black rose in my hair.

"..A...ah.. Freak!!"

Sally ran off with her friends.

"You okay?"

He held his hand out, I was about to reach it, but..

"You okay?"

I pulled my hand back, and sat up.

"Hey stay still"


He grabbed a few roses, and put them together, making a rainbow flower crown, I smiled, and clapped my hands happily, he smiles at me and puts it on me.

"There. I have to head back"

He poofs in thin air, i take off the flower crown, but they were black, my eyes widened.


It was like his touch on plants changed.


I quickly stood, and grabbed my basket putting the crown back on me, heading back.


I said loudly, everyone screamed.

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