Is It Wrong

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Shadow's POV

As I looked at her, she was beautiful still, gorgeous, I was shocked to see so much change, her eyes are more alive when they look at me, I saw them so dark when she was at the tree, but she fell asleep, so I climbed up watching her sleep, it's creepy I know. But she looked so peaceful in her sleep.

Before. I fell in love with her right when I saw her, Love in first sight yes. I first saw her in class, I stared at her, right when the teacher called me, she stared at me this time! while I was the one looking away, I felt like my blood was running so fast I wanted to run out. But I kept my cool, I even felt the vibe that she thought I was cool... I think.

"You okay?"

When I finally approached her was when they were supposed to pick flowers, I saw her run off into the forest, of course I followed, I wanted to never look away,

It would be a lie, if i didn't say your beauty was breathtaking.

When I heard everyone scream, I checked, and they were screaming at you, saying she spoke! The teacher was trying to calm them down, but I saw you. You wanted to cry, but you didn't... that's what I thought, as I approached you again, you started to run, you were crying through one eye... But. I still wanted to be there.

It would be lame if i said, You Immediately stole my heart.

When you spoke for the very first time to Sonic, i felt jealous of course, that Pri- no.. Not Prick, that Bitch got to hear you, and you spoke to him, the very idea upsets me even still now. I wanted you to talk to me! ME. I still have the horrible beautiful rose that never dies in my grasp.

My very existence is different from those in your life.

When you ran away, I was the only one who wanted to help you so badly it killed me. What Sonic did was terrible, his words stabbed you. And I want to be the ones healing all those wounds, to pull out every sword stabbed in your back, I want to wipe those tears you shed away, and make sure you never cry.

Just that moment.

As I held you in my arms made me feel so much fireworks Explode inside me, I wanted to hold you and never let go, When I was searching for you for years, I was holding onto that rose, that remind me of you, I had your beautiful image in my head so clear as day.

The Lightening in your eyes at every moment you looked at me.

I kept looking until I was almost dying, sick, exhausted. I didn't let anyone get in my way, since I found that village you stayed at, I killed everyone who tried to get away, because it was an order, but I saw a little girl.

"Your like us! Why would you do this! You hurt mommy!"

She was yelling at me, I knew she saw what was inside me, the idea of letting anyone live that saw the demon inside, should die. Its been like this for many years. Amy Rose I'm in Love with you, your the person who lightens my world. I want you to heal all my scars as I heal yours. I want you to be the one to tame me, to save me from the darkness that won't let me go. I want you.

Was Enough.

I never shed a tear through my battles, I finally made it to the academy and I was the only one waiting to see you the most, I even got my own place so we can live together. I want us together. Us. Because the very person I met through it all---

Is It So Wrong to feel this way?

As I pinned you against the wall, I began to cry, i don't know why. Maybe it was because.

"I Miss you so fucking much!"

I said loud, it echo'd through the hall, she stared at me, but began to blush, I leaned in so close, I wanted to kiss her so badly, so when I got my chance I took it.

Is It Wrong..

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