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Shadow's POV

Walking down the street, seeing everyone happy, a year has passed since then, I can't never forget it. I walked and walked and never stopped, since that day, I felt empty, I felt stupid, I felt dumb.

"Good morning Shadow!"

I smiled softly, at the baker and went on walking, as I did, I noticed a faint glow of red,

"Good morning..."

I turned around, and no one was there, I thought her voice. But it was nothing, I shook my head, walking toward the red faint light, but I stopped,

"Oh hello Shadow, they are beautiful aren't they? they show the meaning of love"

The flowerest said, walking away to her costumer. I stared at them,

"What are they?"

I turned around again, no one there, I stared at them about to touch one, but I pulled my hand away continuing walking,

"It's a flower nothing more"

I said to myself. But not noticing the person behind me,

"Are they really?"

Was Amy watching me.


I answer myself, thinking i'm talking to myself, I sighed entering my house, I sat down, and Cream ran out of the kitchen,

"Welcome home!"

I nod, tracing a circle on the table,

"I have cookies!"

Cream put them down in front of me, then running off to Tails side kissing and walking back in the kitchen, I rolled my eyes,

"I'm back!"

Sonic walked in, sitting in front of me, sighing,

"Ooo Cookies"

Sonic took one eating it, I sighed once more, looking away,

"Hey guys"

Tikal said walking in with a bunch of flowers, I only wave, and shrug, the rest of them were alive, while so many died, everyone seems to be living happily while i'm in pain. I stood up leaving taking a walk again, as I walked, my mind went blank, and my vision was blurry,


I bumped into a tree, I looked up and I saw...


The girl looked at me, wearing her red dress, her eyes glowed like the sun, but green, and her long hair was gone back to her old short look, I climbed up sitting beside her, looking at her,

"Shadow... It's beautiful today isn't it?"


I only nod, staring at her, she looks at me and smiles that beautiful smile,

"Is it really you?"

I asked reaching out to touch her, she nodded grabbing my hand,

"...Please don't feel this way.. It's been a year, please live freely"

"...I can't not without--"


She looked at me with tearing eyes, I leaned in and kissed her softly,

".. I love you Shadow... But I want you to love someone else as well, please live freely, please be happy"



Hearing those words, were the same as Maria's.

"...I cant"

She shook her head, and held my hand tighter,

"....Shadow... I'm sorry for--"

"Don't apologize! I should be the one apologizing"

She shook her head again,

"Its nothing Shadow, Long as you have this... you have me"

My eyes widened, seeing that rose that would never die, she put it in my hand,

"...I'm still in your heart, but please live on."

She kisses me and I kiss back..


"Its just a flower"

I said as she disappeared.


I woke up, looking up at the morning sky, I looked around, and saw I was laying next to Amy's grave, I looked at my hand seeing that rose,

"Huh?! wasn't...it just a dream?"

I looked up at the tree, and nodded, I want her to be happy in death, so I'll do what she wants, but I don't think i'll ever fall in love again.

Goodbye Amy.


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