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I woke up. All I could see was something dark, but it wasn't the sky like I'm used to seeing.. It was a ceiling. I turned to my side but my face went into something soft a furry, I pulled my hand up and felt the furry thing...Warm...Soft... I nuzzled my cheek against it until I heard a yawn. I gasped looking up seeing ...

"Amy you okay?"

Shadow! I felt my cheeks turn red, and I sat up, but It wasn't a dream I'm actually In Shadows Bed!!

"What's the matter? Can't sleep? Is it because Rex scared you? Come here.. We should't be loud"

He wraps his arm around me, pulling me down. I froze.


I snuck out when he fell back sleep! I felt relieved, why was I in Shadows room?! I could feel my cheeks become hot, I shook my head, and went back to the roof where I usually slept, I layed down and fell asleep.


"Amy, Amy"

I could hear someone calling, I looked up and saw  Shadow,

"Why did you come back here? I told you to stay with me"

"I don't remember you say-"

"Yes. Sit up!"

He grabbed my wrist pulling me up, I felt my cheeks go hot again.

"Do you have memory loss or something?!"



He leaned in and I turned all red.

"Well, lets refresh your memory!"

Flash back Shadow's POV

"Thank you"

I froze when she said those words, 'Thank you' to me? Why? Why is she crying? What's she doing?! I knew I was blushing! I could feel this area get hot around me.

"N-No problem!"

I tried to speak,

"Hey beast stop flirting!"

Sally said stomping her feet to us.

"You told on me you monster!?"

She said to me, I looked at Sally coldly, and saw her froze.

"...Yes.. What's the problem?"

I growled at her, she backs away,



I noticed what I was doing, I noticed stares,

"Oh well, I'm so-sorry!!"

Sally ran away, I quickly went after her, but I was grabbed by Amy.

"D-don't do it"

She looked at me, her eyes were...

"Why are you so scared?"

She was terrified enough that she was trembling.

"Did I sc-"

"NO! It..Its her.. Y-you go r-run after her"

I could tell by her reaction, that Sally has done something to her. But!

Damn her voice is so fucking CUTE.

"Okay I won't"

I said pulling my wrist away.


"Amy come look at this"

Sonic called out to her in class, everyone glared at her, I think they are jealous that Amy's in Sonic's group... He is the so called coolest person here. I rolled my eyes watching her go to him, Tails seemed to have a controller,

"Can you help us? We don't know how to repair this"

She nodded, I just watched, but then I saw Sonic about to put a piece of paper on her back, I quickly stood and dashed there,


I could see Sonic noticed me standing there behind her.

"...So Tails maybe we-"

I ignored Sonic talking to Tails, I grabbed Amy's hand pulling her with me.

"Come on"

Amy looked at me confused, and followed me,

"What...are you doing?"

She seemed to have paused on her words, she doesn't seem to be comfortable talking around the others.

"I don't like people touch my things"

" 'My Things'? "


I looked at her,

"Your mine"

The Unwanted Flower (Shadamy)Where stories live. Discover now