Almost There

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Shadow's POV


I punched one of these beast out of my face, flying across the room, I was almost there, to the ball room!


I heard a scream there, I quickly started running but an explosive went off beside me, blowing me out the wall, down to the circle garden, there was body hanging, bodies stabbed through the garden vines, everyone I knew was dead, I coughed out blood, looking around,


I ran to her, seeing Knuckles holding her,


He was in tears covered in her blood,


I tapped his shoulder, and his head slid off,


I screamed,


My best friends were dying,


I quickly called out looking around, I heard a familiar scream,


I looked up to the ball room, I began running over there punching through the walls, I kicked the first floors door to the ball room, but there was dead bodies everywhere, Blades sticking up as they slid down,

"Oh god"

I looked up and saw Blaze fighting,


I said lowly, running the other way, as I ran up the stairs, I was pushed down, making me fall back, I grabbed onto the handle almost hitting the floor,


A girl covered in blood looked at me with a huge sword,


She dashed to me, I quickly moved out the way, running up as she landed against the wall jumping to me, I dodged her attacks, but I fell, I rolled to the side as she almost stabbed my head, but she cut my arm,


I yelped in pain, I kicked her making her fall, I jumped up grabbing her sword,


She grew claws and dashed at me, I swung the sword cutting off her head,


She fell on her knees down to her stomach, blood gushing on me, her brains sticking out of her head,

"A puppet?"

I scoff, and walked to the doors in front of me, I opened the doors, wrapping my arm, but right when I did,


Blaze fell down in the hole, hearing her scream his name till she died. I breathed heavily, staring at the killer,


Thats all I heard, the only person there was that Raven. I walked to her, and stared down at her,


She looked at me with tears, I glance over and saw Silver, dead.. back of his head smashed in,



I yelled grabbing her head, she struggled, and I began to squeeze smashing her skull in,

"AMY!! AMY!!!! CROW!!! CROW"

She kept screaming, and Ignored it, smashing her head, she fell down next to her lover,

"Raven I'm back!!! We---.."

My eyes widen, Amy was there, covered in blood, cuts all over her body but were healing slowly,


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