Thank You

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~Amy's POV~

I woke up on the roof again, I yawned, sitting up. On our quest we took 3 days, now we returned, turning in our report, but I quickly ran for it as they were going to tell the chief that the emperor will do request long as I order it. I sighed.


I looked up at the sky, thinking about what i did to Sonic, probably he thinks I'm a weirdo now. Oh why do I even care? Its not like I like the poor bastard. I sighed again, I sat up but my eyes widen when I see Shadow sitting right there in front of me.

"Why are you sleeping on a roof?"

He asked poking my nose, I cover my nose scooting back,

"What? I just found you here, I heard crying"

I blinked a couple times, rubbing my eye,

"Why do you cry through one eye? Is it because you cried so much that you only cry through one eye?"

He asked reaching his hand, but then a flash came, I let out a little yelp, and scooted more until I hit the wall, I clinged to it looking at him terrified.

"Why are you so scared of me?"

He looked at me sadly.

"I'm only trying to be your friend"

My chest tightened,


I felt angry, this guy! This hedgehog! Is so Annoying!!! Oh my god.


I stood up and stomped my feet on the floor,

"What? Just say it..."

I looked at him hissing.

"You said something to Sonic..."

My eyes widened. I looked to the side.

"Wasn't that easy huh?"

He stood up, and walked away going to the ladder.

"..See you later Amy"

I rolled my eyes, he doesn't know anything! He's just a annoying hedgehog!! I growled angrily punching the wall, 


I slid down, I cry to much!


I sat down on the swing, I watched the kids play soccer Sally with her groupies and Sonic with Shadow and Silver, Shadow doesn't seem to like Sonic but its like a brother unlove thing, but i don't know how to put it. But. I alone swings. Alone.


I heard Sally, I glance over, and see her kick the ball into the window, everyone looked scared.

"Who kicked this?!"

My eyes widen, the teacher right there like magic! It was. Only because the teacher was-

"I-I'm sorry!"

Sally said looking terrified, The teacher was a Samurai.

"I asked. Who Kicked This?"

He asked in a deep scary tone, I shivered. But then I noticed Sally looking around to the others, but then.

"It was Amy! Amy kicked it! She was being mean to us!"

The Samurai Teacher is named Rex.

"...Amy Rose?"

He asked again looking at me and shivers,


Sally said tearing up. I breath became heavy,

"It was Amy! She broke my leg!"

"Someone Help!"

"Oh No Its Her"


This was like preschool. I was the loner still, I had Sally and few others in the same class, and I wanted to make friends. So One Day. Sally kicked a ball on the roof, and she began crying, I wanted. I wanted to be her friend, but when I used the petals of flowers, and landed in my hands, I looked at her handing her the ball.

"Oh No its her!"


They began running. Running.

"..I don't want to be alone... Please. Please."

I lost control and my petals grabbed onto one of the girls, and dragged her back, while the others got there legs broken,or... I don't know..Maybe killed?

"Stop! Stop! Someone help me!"

The girl cried, but I gripped more, more, more tighter, breaking her leg in the process.

"Stop It Amy!"

My eyes widen...Viva...

"Amy Rose"

I snapped out of it looking up, staring at Mr.Rex

"Is it true?"

I stared at him, but turned into glaring.

"Would you believe children over a monster?"


I smiled widely.

"Would you believe in a Monster over Children?"

"What does th-"

"Or would you believe in the truth over the false?"

I sighed, trying to keep my cool.


Rex turned away and left,

"Hey Teach"

I looked over to see Shadow, he smiles at me, but then looks at the teacher.

"Sally did it, I was playing, and Sally kicked the ball"

"...I see"

Rex said continuing walking, my heart was racing I was scared.

"You okay?"

Shadow walked in front of me with a warm smile. My chest. It's tightening.. Why? Its like Shizz, he. They. Why?

"Thank you.."

I jumped off the swing and hugged him.

"Thank you."

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