April Fools

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~End Of Flash

I yawned, and walked back to the school where the teacher must be waiting for us, but Amy was like away from me it made me feel lonely (;A; Don't run away!) I literally sighed so much.


I looked up and she smiles at me, my chest tightened.

Amy's POV~

I looked away quickly noticing what I've done, I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, stop it you damn heart!! I quickly began running away, I just wanted to get away from him! He's the reason why my chest hurts so much.


I sat at my seat, I saw Sonic, and he smiles and waves at me, I waved back.

"Okay everyone sit down!"

I walked all way to my seat and sat, Shadow sat down next to me, and leaned against me,


"What are you doing?"

I asked staring at the teacher who is getting ready.

"What do I look like I'm doing?"

I froze, Shadows voice, is so much... I don't know deeper? Or...Scarier.

"Um. Nothing never mind"

"Alright! Now listen up, I send Sally's group out for a errand, this was to the other village across from here"

I looked away, looking out the window. Sally...

"Wait she was sent to the blossom village?"

I froze,

"Yes not the river forest where Emperor Shizz is. The other side"

I shook my head standing up, Shadow fell her must have been leaning on my still.

"Amy what is it?"

I glared at the teacher and left the classroom, I ignored those who even looked at me, I don't care for Sally she should die out there, I rolled my eyes leaving but then.


I froze, I turned back and so Sonic.


He seemed to be all red.

"I really like you! Will you go out with me?!"

I stared at him shocked.

"I only teased you because I wanted your attention!!"

I stared at him.

~Shadow's POV

I sighed and heard whispers,

"Did you know Sonic's going to ask Amy out?"


"No. Come on lets go watch"

I growled angrily standing up, I went to follow them, as I did I could hear Sonic's confession, I clenched my fist, and leaned down from the edge, but then I heard footsteps, i turned around, and saw allot of the kids, they past me to look down, a few held something in their hands, crap if Amy replies their going to do something! I quickly started to climb over the little fence that holds us back from falling and I jumped down.

~Amy's POV


I didn't know if I should say something.


I turned to look and saw Shadow,


"...You spoke"

I looked at Sonic and he smiled.

"Your voice is soooo ugly right everyone!!"

I looked up and saw so many students lined up,


I froze,

"No wonder why she doesn't talk"

"She's sounds like a freak!"

"A Monster that talks so gross"

I couldnt move I was to scared, but then.


Sonic yelled they all threw water at me, it burned my skin for some reason.

"Holly water, you demon!"

They threw more, I looked down to my arm seeing my skin bubbling and popping blood gushing out, I screamed, running away.


Should have known i was fooled, this shows.

I'm the real Fool.

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