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I looked out the window, it was night, the sky was clear it was dark enough to see all the stars glowing in the night.


I smiled softly, feeling the cold breeze brush against my face it was amazing, its already been I don't know maybe years since I've seen anyone.

The Truth is I'm really lonely.

My smile disappeared, and I felt something cold on my cheek, I raised my hand up touching my cheek softly, feeling something wet.


I'm crying? Why?

I sighed, wiping it away, I sat up, and looked around the burned house. I began to think of things I've been doing these paste few years. And that's living in darknest village.

"Amelia come out here"

I heard Chi outside, I quickly walked downstairs and walked through the broken door way,

"Hey Chi"

Chu was sitting on a branch in the tree, looking out, Chi grabbed my hand.

"Quickly they are coming"


"The Emperors."


"And Empress from a Academy, they are here to find us!"

I froze, Chi looked at me confused,


I remember. I always called it elementary, because I was younger, and everyone else to. But in reality our little classroom was in the middle of the big academy, we weren't allowed in the academy till we past the elementary stage.


I snapped out of it, and followed Chi and Chu back to the village,


I quickly walked inside, Chi looked around.

"Where's Chu?!"

"I think he's upstairs already"

"No! No! I feel it! I think he got caught in a trap in the tree's I'll go back for him!"

"N-No wait d-"

Chi ran off back, I stood there.

"I'll...I'll get everything ready so we can leave"

I said to myself running inside.


I quickly grabbed our bags,

"Crap their already here"

Chu said climbing in through the window.

"Dammit. Amelia you go from the back, I'll stall them"

"No it's to dangerous Chi wouldn't like the-"

Chu covered my mouth.

"Hush and go, I think Chi would have..wanted it"

I looked at him confused, he made this look... like..

"No..No..Where's Chi?"

He let me go growling.

"Just go!"

He growled angrily,

"I don't want you leaving me to, So go!"

I looked at him, I trembled,

The Unwanted Flower (Shadamy)Where stories live. Discover now