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At first It seemed like my whole life was a joke.


Everyone's always... Laughing at me, I felt alone and an outcast, but It was true I was. I had to learn that the hard way.


I watched, the man I thought in this world actually loved me.. kill himself in front of me, saying.

"I Hate You So Much"

I keep on remembering that day. And I have never had anyone confess to me before. But. When Sonic did just for a prank.


I felt like I should have been the one shot instead of him. His life shouldn't have ended, he shouldn't have died because of me. I should be dead.


I ran away. In tears of course, like a coward I am, running was easy, staying was the hardest. I was always trying to last but I seem to have failed, but I keep turning back and returning from this pain. I got called so many names, they say my mother was crap and she deserved to die, but she doesn't but I wonder why everyone fight against us? Don't they believe in god like they say they did? They call us sinners, when they were the ones causing the sins. I never believed in him, why would he do this to me? to us...


I snapped out of it, I turned to look and saw a carriage going to hit me, I just smiled and was ready to die there, get ran over, squished to death. but.

"I got you!"

Shadow tackled me, getting me out of the way, he held me close in his arms, I stared at his chest,

"You okay?"

I looked up at him, his eyes darker than I ever saw them, at that day in the forest, at that one spot, his eyes were light as day, but since he met me, they were darker and colder.


I stared at them, they were beautiful, but they are saw sad and dead. 

"Hey! You okay!?"

I just stared, I pushed him away and stood up, I quickly kicked him down, and ran.

"Hey wait!"

I felt my hands clench, and petals of flowers went around him, it was like rope, it tied around his neck lifting him up in the air. I looked at him and stared at his dark eyes, that stared at me shocked.  


But then. I saw it,

"Amy stop it"

I quickly snapped out of it again letting him go, I went in more tears, and Shadow coughed,

"I'm sorry..Sorry"

I turned away, and quickly ran for it, I saw him again, he always shows up when I'm doing this! Just leave me alone!

"Sorry... I'm so Sorry"

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