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I grabbed onto the covers of my blanket,


I cried, sobbed, weeped, because I was screamed at for saying One word.


"You okay?"

I trembled, and looked around, it was night time, I wiped my eyes, and ran to the ledge peeking down.

"You okay honey?"

"Yes mommy"

I saw a child and her mother walking holding hands. 


I ran back to the wall, and curled in the blanket, falling asleep.


"Today glass, we're going in groups!"


"Oh Sonic i hope we are in the same group!"


I stand in the back, while everyone was in the front, Shadow was with them to, smiling with the rest, they aren't scared of him at all!

"Okay Everyone Line Up!"

Everyone quickly Lined up, but I stood in place.


The teacher cleared his throat, and opened his mouth,

"Sonic, Shadow, Silver your in Group 1"


Sonic said high fiving Silver,

"Nice bro we are in the same group"

Silver said to Shadow, both doing a fist pound

"Sally, Nya, Rena your group 2"


"Look we're in the same group cream!"


Rena and Nya hugged, while Sally pouted.

"Rouge, Blaze, Kayo your group 3"




they all group hug.

"Group 4, Tails, Cosmo and Cream"


"We're so lucky"


Cream seem down as Cosmo and Tails felt happy.

"Group 5! Jen, Anon, Julian, and Roxy!"





Their group seemed to be the most quietest. But then the teacher noticed I wasn't in a group.

"Oh! Amy join group..."

He looked through the groups.

"Sonic's group"


Sally shoved me,

"Hey wa-"


"No. Your behavior Is bad, so I'll not grand your request, go back to your group NOW!"

Sally froze, trembling in place.


Sally refused.


Sally ran back to her group crying.

"Geez.. Now Amy to Sonic's group"

I nod, walking to their group that looked happy, until they saw me. Sonic was the number one bully of mine.

"Oh crap, Why do we get set up with a beast like you?"

"What's so wrong having a girl in our group?"

Silver asked, grabbing onto my hands,

"She's a monster! You know the towns village monster! If she ends up losing control of that demon inside her, she'll destroy the world!"


I stayed silent, as Sonic was telling the story to Silver.


Shadow pokes my arm, I looked at him,

"How are you?"

He asked smiling at me softly, I stare at him.


"Bad? I can tell"

I blinked a couple times.

"Why confused? Is it because I guessed right?"

He grins at me, I look away trying to hide my surprised ness of him guessing the actual things i felt

"Now Group 1 your starting your mission today!"


I rushed with them,

"Yes that's why we made you group 1! You must accept just to become Empress and Emperor"

I stared at the teacher.

"Please. Your the most strongest"

My eyes widen, I trembled lightly,

I'm strong?

The Unwanted Flower (Shadamy)Where stories live. Discover now