The Search 1

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~Shadows POV~

I walked to each door in this damn village, this village should be burned, filled with cursed monsters, so many are gone, we only found children and some old people, of course we killed them. This was a secret village and we located it a week ago, but now they all found out and left as few did not.


I went to the final house and opened the door but it just fell,


I said, seeing all these bombs in this house, I jumped back and it exploded.

"Cough cough"

I quickly sat up, I heard coughing in the distance, I turned to look at the side of the house, I saw shadowy figures coming out.


I heard Rouge! She popped out holding Scourge.

"Are you both okay?"

"Y..Yeah but I think Scourge is fucked right now"

I looked at him seeing his feet up to his ankle burned,


"Yup a shock wave must have hit him"

"Why's he so badly wounded? Scourge move already"

I said shaking him, he whimpers.

"Shadow he's poisoned right now we go to take him back--"

"Poisoned or not he can move"

"He's paralyzed and poison you bloody moron"

I turn to see Shizz exiting the ride.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard what your planning on doing to this place, I'm ordering you to leave at once-"

"Every ones gone and a few are dead already, so your to late emperor, if your planning on throwing us in a dungeon make a good impression. We did good killing monsters that only kill beings"


Shizz turned away going back in a ride, leaving.

"Shadow you know he'll kill you"

"Over my dead body"

"I think he'll step over it once your gone"


I looked up, and saw something fly out of a tree.


I ran after it.


"Shut up Rouge take care of Scourge"


I jumped on the burned fence and chased who ever was bouncing off each roof, I started to do the same,

"Chaos Control!"

I teleported in front of him tackling him down.


I pinned him down aiming a pistol to his head.


He went silent.

"Who are you?"

I asked pressing the pistol on his head.


"I guess... What is your last words?"

"Tell...Tell Amy, to live longer.."

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