Chapter 1

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Zoe's P.O.V
I wake up and see Alfie messing with my hair.

"Morning," I chuckle.

"Morning," he beams.

"Someone's in a happy mood," I smile.

"What's wrong with that?" He smirks.

"Nothing... Nothing at all," I laugh, pecking his lips. I hear footsteps running towards our room and was prepared for an attack.

"MMMOOORRRNNINGG," Mason and Melody shout, jumping on the bed.

"Morning babies," I chuckle.

"Pancakes?" Alfie asks us.

"Yes please... You go get the twins downstairs and the ingredients ready. I got Mere Bear," I instruct. We all jump out of bed and go our ways. I open the door to Meredith's room and see her awake, standing up in the crib.

"Hey baby girl," I coo, lifting her out. I bring her down stairs and Alfie immediately takes her from me.

"Can I ever get a full two minutes with her?" I laugh.

"Nope," he replies, pulling her closer to him.

"Mel, Mas, do you guys want to help Mummy?" I ask.

They both come running in and had the cutest little smiles. We all get the pancakes ready, along with minor snacking throughout the process. I set them over the table and lay out all of the toppings. Once we finished we all got in the car and headed for London. Today is the photo shoot for our new clothing line at Zara. We've been working on this for months and it's finally happening. Alfie and I teamed up and designed a couple of outfits for everyone, including kids. I'm super excited about this and this is honestly one of the coolest things that I've done. We make our way into the studio and got glammed up.

"Okay so we're going to do both looks and then we'll pick one for the promotional picture," Maddie concludes. I nod and look through the racks.

"I think I'll go for the blue first," I decide. Maddie informs the crew and they drop the gray background with the white balloons. We all get dressed and head onto the set.

I held Mere while Alfie stood on my left and the kids in front back to back

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I held Mere while Alfie stood on my left and the kids in front back to back.

"Ready three two one," the photographer snaps. We took a couple more and then Meredith started crying.

"Sorry give me a second," I apologize, walking off the background.

"It's okay.... It's just the light it's nothing scary," I whisper, trying to get her to calm down.

I rock her back and forth along with tickles here and there. When shes alright, we went back and took a couple more.

"Okay you can do the next one now," the crew instruct. We all hussle into our new clothes as they change the camera flashes.

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