Chapter 9

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*a few days later*

Alfie's P.O.V

Today is the kids first day of school! Melody has been stoked all morning while Mason just sat on the sofa and stared at the clock. He clearly didn't like the idea of school but he had to go through it. Zoe was vlogging and I was making breakfast downstairs, while holding Mere. She kept poking her fingers in my face and slapping me.

"Mere what you doing silly?" I laugh, setting her down in her high chair. I finish up the pancakes and grab the milk.

"Wow look at you two," I smile, setting the plates down. They grab their forks and chomp down their pancakes. Zoe comes down and she's already on the phone.

"I'm sorry but I can't have any meetings today," Zoe informs.

"Mummy can you do my hair?" Mel asks.

"Drink your milk. I'll do it," I offer.

"I want a braid," she reminds.

"Alright," I agree.

"Alright 12:00 is fine," Zoe sighs, hanging up the phone. I finish up the braid and tie it off.

"Morning," I kiss.

"Morning," she hugs.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"The photo shoot in Ireland next week has been rescheduled to tomorrow," she informs.

"Then we'll have to find someone to watch the kids for two days," I sigh.

"We'll talk later... But right now we have two little munchkins who need to get to school," she smiles, tickling them. They get off the table and grab their backpacks. I load Mere into the car as Zoe is taking a million pictures of them.

"Okay I know today is important but if you don't stop taking pictures they're going to be late," I joke, getting into the car. We drive off to the school and Zoe rambles filming her vlog. The kids begin to get more and more excited as we get closer to campus. Guaranteed after today, their feelings will change about school.

"You guys ready?" Zoe squeals.

"Yeah!" They scream.

"Let's go then," I cheer. We walk out of the car and I carry Mel on my shoulders. Zoe holds Mason's hand while carrying Mere on her hip.

"Okay we're here... Have fun today. Don't get into trouble," I hug and kiss their cheeks.

"Okay daddy," they agree.

"Bye babies... Be good and have a fun time alright? We'll come get you later," Zoe greets, hugging and kissing the both of them.

"Bye Mummy," they smile, running into campus.

"Love you," we scream.

"Love you more," they reply. They get in line with Emilia and we wave one last time. Zoe grabs my hand and we start walking back to the car.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I mean it was their first day. God they've grown up quickly," she sighs.

"Hey on the bright side it's not your last time," I remind.

"True," she smiles, poking Mere's nose.

"So I was thinking a lunch with my family?" I offer.

"Sounds lovely but after all the errands," she reminds. We went to all the shops, she needed to go to and it took hours. Knowing Zoe, she likes to browse and it takes a lot of time shopping with her.

"Okay this is the last one, I promise," she kisses. I grab Mere and find a chair.

"You getting sleepy?" I coo. She tucks her head on my chest and slowly starts to drift into sleep.

"Okay let's go," Zoe whispers. I carefully carry Mere out and we walk to the local cafe. 

"Hi," I greet, keeping quiet. We take our seats and I hand Mere over to my Mum. We spent the afternoon having chats and eating the amazing food.

"So how was the first day of school?" Dad asks.

"Surprisingly easy," I joke.

"Yeah easy for you to say..." Zoe snorts.

"I'm just teasing," I laugh, kissing her cheek.

"Hey Hayden, what you playing?" I ask, noticing he's not taking his eyes off the phone.

"Clash Royale," he replies.

"How do you play?" I question.

"It's hard to explain," he sighs.

"Hayden,hand Mummy the phone and eat please," Poppy instructs. He slowly hands it over and picks at his pasta.

"Crap it's already 1:40... We need to get the kids at 2:00," I remind Zoe.

"Alright then have a good day and we'll meet up soon," Zoe states, hugging everyone.

"Bye," they reply. We walk back to the car, hand in hand, and drive back to the school. Mere was now wide awake and very fussy. She kept whining and making noises in the back. Once we get to the school, Zoe grabs the kids and they all dash back into the car.

"How was your day? Tell me everything," I laugh.

"We sat sang songs eat djebfdfnfn," they scream on top of each other.

"Okay okay slow down. Mase go first," I inform.

"I played with my new friends Dan and Andrew. We eat lunch together and had a battle during playtime," he beams.

"Sounds fun. What about Mel?" I continue.

"I played with Emilia and Abigail and we played Frozen again. Then we had song time together and we read stories," she smiles.

"Wow sounds like you two had a good time," Zoe cheers.

"Do you like Mrs. Hastings?" Zoe questions.

"Yeah she was really nice and so is Ms. Stevens," Mase states.

"Yeah except she told us to call her Sarah remember?" Mel reminds Mase. I look over at Zoe and she gives me a frightened look.

"What does Sarah do for you guys?" I question.

"She helps out Mrs. Hastings... Like today she gave us snacks and crayons," Mel squeals. We get home and the kids run out of the car.

"We need to get them out of there," Zoe states.

"No because once we move, she'll move with us. Plus if anything were to happen during school, it would be easier to get her arrested... It'll all be fine just stay calm," I fake smile, hugging her. We get out of the car and make our way into our safe house.

Hey guys! School is finally out so I can write on time now. Thanks for reading and sorry if they're are mistakes, I didn't have time to check it. Have a good day and see you next week. Bye!

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