Chapter 8

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Zoe's P.O.V

I wake up and see everyone else still asleep. I look down and see that the kids managed to crawl into our bed last night. I pull Melody closer into me and wrap my arms around her small frame.

"Mummy," she whines, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning my princess," I laugh, kissing her cheeks. I grab my phone and check Twitter and Instagram to see what my subscribers have been doing.

"That one is pretty Mummy," Mel whispers, pointing on an edit of all of us. I like it and comment " You've gotten the Melody stamp of approval". Setting the phone down, I see that Alfie, Meredith, and Mason are still fast asleep and didn't want to wake them. I grab Melody and we sit out the patio, as she's telling me stories.

"I had a dream and we go to Pier with Mummy, Daddy, Mase and Mere. And we were eating ice creams and we saw dolphins that were pink and had rainbow fins," She giggles.

"Oh did you? Did you swim with the dolphins?" I joke.

"No cause Mummy and Daddy said no when the dolphin asked," She explains.

"The dolphin was pink, had rainbow fins AND it could talk. That's one special dolphin," I laugh.

"Are the Dolphins like that real Mummy?" She questions, looking at me with her puppy eyes.

"Yeah they live at the very very very bottom of the ocean. You're really lucky if you saw one," I lie, not wanting to crush her imagination. She flashes me a huge smile and we hear Meredith start to cry.

"Guess it's time to get ready," I whisper, kissing Mel's cheek. She clings onto me and snuggles into the crook of my neck.

"Hey baby... Hi, good morning," I coo, grabbing Meredith with my free arm. She stops crying and gives a little giggle. Alfie and Mason were now awake and we start getting ready to head home.

"Alf lets go come on," I shout from the hallway.

"Alright just checking," he replies. The kids ran to the elevator and argued who was going to press the buttons.

"Mummy which one?" Mason asks.

"Number one," I answer. We meet up with The SacconeJolys for breakfast and decided to spend the rest of the day together, since the kids would be going to school in three days.

"Hi," I greet to all of them.

"Hey Zoe," Anna replies, taking Mere out of my arms as I set my stuff down.

"So I was thinking maybe a pool day at our place? We still haven't used it all summer and it'll be a waste," I offer, telling Anna.

"That would be great. A little pool day picnic," she smiles. We order our food and spent the morning chatting while eating. When we got home, we dropped everything and immediately head outside.

"Kiddies come here, you need sun screen," I remind. I spray it on all five kids and they put on their life vests.

"Be careful, no running," Alfie shouts, as he's in the pool and the kids are getting on the diving board. We vlog each kid having their turn and it was adorable. Although it took some convincing to get Eduardo to jump but he loved it. We put Meredith in a donut floaty and I take a bunch of pictures.

"Zoe come on get in here the water is so nice," Alfie asks.

"No thanks, just want a tan," I reply. Before I know it, Melody and Mason push me into the deep end of the pool.

"That's not cool," I shout as the laugh their butts off. We all spent the day vlogging on the go pro and jumping off the diving board.

"Who's hungry?" I ask, waiting for answers.

"Me!" They all shout.

"Burgers or pizza?" I wonder, getting my phone.

"Pizza," they all reply. I order four pizzas with lots of homemade lemonade. The kids get back into the pool and I go in as well.

"Are you sure? I could watch her and you can get into the pool," I ask.

"It's fine, I need to get this tan on anyways," she laughs. I set Mere underneath a chair in the shade, taking a towel to use as a blanket. I head back into the pool and see Alfie, trying to pull of some crazy stunt with Mason. He was standing on the diving board with Mason on his shoulders.

"What the hell Alfie? You're going to hurt him and yourself," I shout.

"It'll be fine... Mel, Emilia is it recording?" He questions.

"Yeah," they reply.

"Alfie seriously," I shout. He jumps in and they both come out of the water with giggles and huge smiles.

"See we're fine," he reminds. I smack a wave of water at him and he does it back. Soon we all have a huge fight and was interrupted by lunch.

"Did you guys have fun today?" Jonathan asks.

"Yeah," They smile.

"Well enjoy it now because school starts really soon," I remind.

"Why did you say that Mummy? Now I'm sad," Mason fake cries. We all die of laughter and almost choked on our food. When we finished up our afternoon at the pool, we went inside to play a game of hide and seek. First I change Mere into better clothes then tuck her into bed.

"Ready or not here I come," Mel calls out.  We all hid across the first floor and slowly she found everyone. Well except me.

"Anna where's Mummy," Mel asks Anna.

"I don't know try looking around over there," she points. I stood still behind the curtain, not wanting to make it obvious I was behind it. I hear little footsteps and tensed up as she got closer.

"Got you," she screams with excitement. We play a couple more games until it was time for the SacconeJolys to leave.

"Bye Anna thanks for spending the day with us," I smile.

"No problem it was an amazing day," she waves goodbye. I close the door and get the kids in bed.

Hey guys! Hoped you like the new chapter and school is out super soon. I'm soooo ready for summer and hope that some of you are getting out soon as well. As always thanks for reading and don't forget updates are every Saturday now. Have a good day and byeee?

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