Chapter 3

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Alfie's P.O.V
I park the car and the kids go racing out of it.

"Hey easy there," I remind.

We get inside and I see that Mere was playing on the ground with Zoe.

"Hey little one," I smile, wrapping my arms around Zoe. She doesn't say a word and removes my arms off of her. She then gets up and goes to the twins, asking them how their day was.

"Zoe what's wrong," I concern.

"Not now Alf," she snaps.

Mere starts to cry and I lift her up, making her instantly stop. Zoe calls us for dinner and we all take our seats. Zoe hasn't said a word to me or even looked at me. Why is she like this? Once we finish, she takes the kids up stairs and I clean off the table.

"Daddy, we need a goodnight," Melody screams. I head upstairs and into her room.

"Gooooooooodddnniiigggghhhhht," I scream, kissing her cheek. I do the same to Mason and Mere then head back into our room. Zoe is just standing in the room, holding my phone. Now, I know what this is about

"Care to explain," she snaps.

"Okay look she's just an old friend," I admit.

"You and I know that this is more than that, so spill," she instructs.

"Alright... Before I met you, I had a girlfriend who wasn't the best. She stole money from me and others and I got her arrested without her knowing it was me who ratted her out. I guess she thinks that I was going to wait for her but I'm not. I have you and the kiddos and couldn't ask for more," I ramble. She looks up at me and groups me in a hug.

"Sorry I doubted you," she whispers.

"That's okay, let's go to bed," I smile. I turn off the lights and she turns on the TV. We both fall asleep to a random movie that was on.

Zoe's P.O.V
We woke up around 8:00 and began editing and uploading. We decided to let the kids sleep in since they slept late last night.

"Zoe you finished?" Alfie asks.

"Yeah why?" I reply.

"I thought since we both finished we could go out today? Just us" He asks.

"That's fine with me. I'm sure Pop won't mind watching them for a couple of hours," I smile. I grab my phone and call Poppy.

"Hey Zoe," she starts.

"Would you mind watching the kiddies for a couple of hours," I question.

"Of course, haven't seen the munchkins in days," she groans.

"Alright from 3-7 would be great," I inform.

"Right see you then," she ends.

"Alright we got the afternoon to ourselves. Where do you want to go?"
I ask Alf.

"We can just walk around the lanes and beach," he chuckles.

"Sounds lovely," I reply. Meredith begins to cry and it was the cue to get the kids up. We both race upstairs and round all of them up. I lay out all the cereals and grab the milk. Everyone goes crazy and fill up their bowl.

"You guys excited for school tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah I want to all my friends again," Mason admits.

"Me too," Melody agrees. Let's hope that it'll remain that way for awhile. It was pretty sunny out and decided to play in the backyard for awhile. Alfie and Sean just built a playground for them the other day and it's the first time they've been on it. Have to say, it wasn't all that bad.

"Hey Zoe," Poppy shouts, walking towards us.

"Auntie Poppy," the twins scream running towards her. I grab Meredith and slowly make my way over.

"Okay you two be good for Aunt Pop, Daddy and I have some stuff to do," I inform the kids, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay bye Mummy," the wave. I head back into the house, grab Alf, and head out into town.

Sarah's (The Ex) P.O.V

I can never get Alfie's attention. I need to make him suffer the way I did in that cell for 5 years. I've completely changed up my look from when he last saw me. My auburn medium hair to long platinum blonde, my curvy figure gone a little slimmer, and my makeup, adding more of a brighter touch. Ever since I got out, my mind has not stopped thinking about the revenge I was going to get on him. I know he has a wife and kids due to all the social media and such. I check Twitter and see that he has tweeted, "Heading into town with @zoella". He makes it so easy. I pull out my compact and make sure my makeup was looking fine. I try and spot a blue Mini Cooper through all the traffic, to see if I could find them. My plan is to start off slow then work my way upwards so there's no suspicion. I spot the car and follow it to where it parks. I then head into a shop to make sure they don't notice me at first. When they walk past by the shop, I quickly walk and pretend to bump into Zoe.

"Oh sorry.... Oh my god hi Alfie," I lie.

"Hey Sarah," he fake smiles. I can see that Zoe wasn't too keen on seeing me which was great to my plan.

"I didn't know you were in Brighton, and is this the lovely wife of yours you were telling me about?" I cheer. He nods and I look over at Zoe.

"Hi I'm Sarah an old friend, lovely to meet you," I greet, shaking her hand.

"Zoe, sorry but we need to get going, see you," she snaps. Wow feisty. They walk off hand and hand and I congratulated myself with a smirk. I walk over to the blue Mini Cooper and take pictures of their license plate for later on. I'm going to make that idiot deserve what he gets.

I hope you guys like the new chapter, and how do you feel about Sarah? Have an awesome day and thanks for reading. Byeee!

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