Chapter 2

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Alfie's P.O.V

"Okay so don't forget, take them shopping, then to soccer and then gymnastics," Zoe reminds.

"I got it, chill," I laugh.

"Alright bye babies have fun with Daddy," Zoe kisses to the twins.

"Bye Mummy," they reply.

"See you in a bit," I kiss goodbye.

"Bye, Mere," I wave.

Today was just a simple day of editing, unpacking, and shopping. With all the moving and packing going on, we haven't had time to get the kids things for school. They need to get their new backpacks and supplies before school which starts in week. Zoe had already gotten them their clothes and uniforms but told me to take them to get the rest. I can't believe their already going to school, it's crazy. When I first met them, they were 3 years old but now they're almost five. It's crazy, how fast time is going. We walk into Toys-R-Us and the kids went off. They start loading the cart with random things that I didn't think they needed.

"Mel, you do not need a Barbies for school," I sigh.

"But I need something to play with  during lunch," she admits, using her puppy eyes. She stole that move from Zoe. When either of them use it, it's almost impossible to say no. Especially, when they do it together.

"Alright you can have one doll," I give in.

"Yay!" She squeals. I check through the cart to make sure we've gotten everything.

"Crayons, pencils, lunch boxes, backpacks, notebooks, and a folder," I read aloud.

The kids give me a thumbs up saying that we've got it all. We went through check out and I see Jonathan with Emilia.

"How is Mr. Deyes and his little peeps doing?" Jonathan laughs. 

"Good, what about you? Getting stuff for school as well?" I question.

"Yeah Anna is sick with Edaurdo," he adds.

"Aww when they get better you should swing by the new place," I suggest.

"Definitely, do you still have Wagamamas delivery?" He chuckles.

"Yeah.. Well I got to head out but see you soon. Hope Anna and Eduardo feel better," I wish.

"Alright see ya mate," he waves.

We take our seats in the car and drove them off to their activities. Luckily both of them had their uniforms on already.

"Bye Mason, see you in a bit," I hug.

"Byee," he screams. Mel and I proceeded to drive to the gym and had a little talk along the way there.

"You want to go where?" I clarify.

"To the trees, where you and mummy went," she giggles.

"You mean the tree house?" I ask.

"Yeah," she smiles.

"Oh yeah you guys would love it. Maybe during your Thanksgiving holiday," I suggest.

"But that's so far away," she frowns. I park the car and she jumps out of her seat.

"Daddy, I forgot to ask Mummy to tie my hair, can you do it?" She questions. I nod, take the hair tie and quickly put it up in a ponytail.

"There you go... See you in a bit," I kiss.

"Bye Daddy," she smiles, walking into the gym. I head back into the car and drove back home.

"Zoe?" I call. No response. That's weird her car is parked in the garage. I walk inside and see that she's asleep on the sofa with Meredith laying next to her, asleep as well. Looking around, I noticed that there were two more boxes that were unloaded and items laying all over the floor. I put a throw over the two of them and start putting things where they belong. My phone for some odd reason continues to keep shaking. I walk over and see about 10 messages from an unfamiliar number.

"Hey Alf it's me Sarah"
"I got out"
"Where are you now?"
"How's it going"
"We should meet up again"

Sarah? Wait.... No it can't be her. How the hell did she get my number?

"Who was that?" Zoe groggily whispers.

"Just some random person. Probably a wrong number," I reply. I grab my phone and try to locate the number but there was no Caller ID. Then I decided to just mute her messages and check the time.

"I gotta go pick up the kids now," I inform, pecking Zoe's lips.

"Bye gorgeous," she smirks. I get into the car and think of all the ways she could've gotten my number.

Zoe's P.O.V

I should get up and finish unpacking but Mere is on me and I don't want to wake her up. I stare at her little chubby face and a smile appears on my face. She has my eyes and smile but Alfie's dark hair and nose. Grabbing my phone, I begin scrolling through Pinterest and seeing what I could do to Mel's room. She wants it pink but I thought pink on its own was a little boring so I'm trying to find ways to incorporate some more color. I save a couple of pins on my board and turn off my phone. Melody's room is going to be harder to decorate because she doesn't know what she wants. Mason knew it all. He wanted it to be dark blue and have an airplane theme. None of the rooms have yet been painted and we're planning on doing that soon. So far in each kids room, is only their bed, closet, and a couple of toys laying here and there. Nothing major is moving in until after it's painted. I really need to get some work done so I decided to just finish up in Mere's room. I carefully lift her up with the blanket and carry her into the nursery. Once I set her down, I begin to unload all of the boxes of clothes and put them in the closet. Every now and then I would hear messages, ringing from someone's phone. I go downstairs and see that Alfie left his phone. Checking to see who it is, I also see all the messages this person is leaving behind.
"It's me Sarah"
"We need to meet up again, I miss you"
Who the hell is this?

Hey guys! Glad you're all liking this so far. Also if you guys have any ideas or suggestions, please comment them and I might feature it on here. Have a great day and updates are every Friday. Thanks for reading, byee.

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