Chapter 15

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Alfie's P.O.V

"Who wants to help Daddy bring out the blankets?" I call out.

"Me!" Mason smiles.

"That's my boy," I laugh, handing him the blankets. Zoe holds Mere in her arms and Melody carries the candles. We all start walking towards the beach and lay out the blankets.

"It's so pretty out here," Zoe smiles, taking a seat.

"I know, wish we could always do this," I reply. We go through the food basket and the kids take their sweets out.

"Oh shoot I forgot the lighter in the house," Zoe hisses.

"I'll go get it," I offer, standing up,

"I go with Daddy. I forgot Coco in the house too," Melody informs, linking arms with me. Walking through the beach, we get to the back and I find the back gate already unlocked.

"That's weird," I whisper, walking inside. I cling onto Melody and check around before getting inside the house.

"Okay the go upstairs and grab your Coco and I'll find the lighter down here," I inform, knowing the house is secure.

"Okay," she agrees running up the stairs. As I search for the lighter, the door suddenly locks and I jump, trying to see who it was. The only thing I saw was a figure in a black hood. I make my way closer to the door and see that it's Sarah, pouring gasoline all over. Knowing what she was doing, I take the lamp and break the window in front of the house. Grabbing a knife, I sneak out of the window and try to sneak up on her. As I just get out of the house, the whole building gets set on fire and I run, trying not to get too close. I hop the fence to the backyard and see Sarah with her smug little face.

"DADDY!!" Melody screams, from the top floor. I forgot she was even in the house. Running up to the window she was screaming from, Sarah points a gun at my head and I can feel her breath.

"Put the knife down you fool!" She scolds. I did as told and dropped the knife.

"DADDY!!" Melody screams even louder.

"This is what you deserve. Watching your kid die right in front of you right before you die. It's a real treat... Well at least for me," she cackles.

"Shoot me, but let me save her first," I offer, hoping she'd take it.

"Awww that's sweet, but what's the fun in that," she smirks, pushing the gun even closer to my head. This is it, I can't do anything to save Mel or myself. A flash of memories rush through my mind and I treasure every single one of them.

Zoe's P.O.V

"Yeah you like the apples don't you?" I coo to Mere. She eats the apple and does her cute little smile. All of a sudden, the sound of breaking glass echoes the beach.

"What the bloody hell was that?" I jump.

"Maybe someone broke something," Mason answers. I continue feeding Meredith her apples and soon it starts to get really hot.

"Mummy there's a fire!" Mason shrieks, pointing at the house. I quickly turn around and find the whole beach house on fire.

"DADDY!!!" Melody screams. She's stuck at the top floor.

"Okay Mason stay here with Mere. Don't go move. Call 911. If anything happens, I love you baby," I rush, kissing his cheek and handing him my phone. Before he even had the chance to say anything, I dash off to the back yard and find a figure, pointing a gun at Alfie's head. Mel spots me and I put up my finger, telling her to keep quiet. I see the knife on the floor and quietly, I grab it. Holding the knife in my hand, I stab her leg and she lets out a scream, dropping the gun. Alfie fights with her and gets out of her reach. Running over to Mel, I try to keep her calm and steady.

"Baby listen to me, you need to jump. Be careful, don't worry I got you," I instruct. She slowly climbs out of the window and shifts her way on the roof.

"I can't Mummy," she yells.

"Yes you can baby. Ready one two three," I call out. She jumps at three and it was all happening in slow motion. I grab her and hug her tight to me.

"You good baby?" I ask, frantically checking on her. She nods and I kiss her cheeks. A gun shot was made and I turn around, finding Sarah on top of Alfie.

"Oh my god," I shriek, seeing that Alfie could be dead. He slowly shakes Sarah off of him and I let out the biggest sigh of relief.

"Mel baby you okay?" He wonders, grabbing Melody out of my hands. She nods and he groups us all in a hug. Mason was standing with Meredith in his arms and I quickly scoop them up too.

"Is everything okay?" Mason asks.

"Yeah baby were safe now," I answer, kissing his cheeks. The ambulance sirens start ringing near by and they come rushing into the house. Firefighters put out the fire and the paramedics rush in, checking up on Sarah. Then a couple more paramedics come in, checking up on us.

"We're good but thank you," I inform them. They nod and run back to the truck out front. The police come by and take Alfie aside, having a chat. Once he finishes, the officer comes by me and informs me on what's happening.

"Okay Miss we're going to need to need your statement if your husband is stating the truth," the officer states. Handing Alfie Mere, I spent the rest of the evening, being questioned by the police.

I am truly sorry for the long wait. I know I said I'd update every week which wasn't the case and again so sorry for that. But I managed to get my thoughts together and crank out the chapter for you guys. Before you all start commenting, for those who have seen the movie Safe Haven or read the book, I based my chapter on that. Hoped you liked it and the last chapter coming up soon. Also thanks so much for all the support and the comments. You all have been super sweet and patient, really appreciate it. Have a nice day and thanks for reading. Byeee!

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