Chapter 10

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Zoe's P.O.V

"Bye Mummy," the kids wave as the car leaves.

"Love you," I beam, as we drive forward. Today was the photoshoot in Ireland and we decided it was better for Alfie to stay home with the kids. So instead, I've got Maddie with me. We walk out of the airport and into the plane.

"The schedule mishap totally threw everything off," I sigh.

"Yeah I heard the kids just started school how was it?" She asks.

"Great and sad but mostly great. They had fun and made friends," I inform.

"That's good. They've grown up so quickly, I remember when they were two and could barely say each other's names correctly," she laughs.

"Yeah Mason used to be Ason and Melody used to be Delody," I giggle.

"But it was the cutest," she smirks.

"I'd do anything to have them stay that little forever," I tease.

"If only there was a way," she chuckles.

"Woah there Mads what have you been drinking," I tease. We spent the rest of the plane ride having chats and sleeping. Once we finally get to Dublin, we check into our hotel and get settled.

"Okay we should get going," Maddie advises.

"What, we just got here?" I state.

"The magazine wanted you to get here earlier but there wasn't a plane. So we need to get there ASAP," she informs. I sigh and walk out with her. We scramble our way through the crowds and get into a taxi.

"Oh Zoe you're here.... Come come, we have a busy day," the coordinator calls. I greet everyone and Maddie rushed me into makeup.

"How was your day?" Timothy, the makeup artist smiles.

"Chaotic," I laugh.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I've been working since 5 am," he chuckles.

"How are you even awake?" I question.

"Caffeine," he replies.

"Of course," I sigh. They finish up my hair and makeup and get me onto the set.

"Smile," the photographer calls. I continue their instructions and go back and forth into clothes.

Alfie's P.O.V

"Come on kiddies, school!" I call. They run down the stairs and grab their backpacks. Mere was already loaded into the car, and the kids slowly make their way into the car.

"Daddy when's Mummy coming back?" Mason asks.

"Tomorrow baby," I answer, driving to the school. We get to the school and the kids link our hands, walking to school.

"Have a good day," I smile, as they run into school. I rush back to the car and drive back home with a sleeping Mere. I drive over to Poppy's and decided to help her finish up moving into their new house.

"Hi," Poppy whispers, taking Mere out of my arms.

"If you can move the table to the corner that would be great," she informs, bringing Mere into Hayden's room. Sean soon came and we began moving furniture together. Before I know it time passes by and I was late to pick up the kids.

"Oh my god I'm late I gotta go get the kids. I'll be back," I state. I drive to the school and rush into the office.

"Hi I'm here to pick up Melody and Mason Deyes," I clarify.

"A woman signed them out already," the secretary smirks. I check the clipboard and see the signature signed as Zoe Sugg. I quickly get out of the office and to the car. Frantically, I try to remember who could've done this. Sarah. I quickly drive around and see if I could spot anything. I see two backpacks three blocks away and recognized them as the kids. I ditch the car and run towards the backpacks. There was a park nearby and immediately I sprint there. The kids were perfectly fine, playing on the swings.

"Oh my god where have you guys been?" I ask, hugging the both of them.

"You were taking too long and we wanted to go to the park," Melody explains.

"Who was the lady who picked you up?" I concern.

"The lady said we could go to the park,"
Mason informs.

"Who?" I try again.

"The lady who works at school," Melody replies.

"Next time don't listen to anyone unless it's Mummy, Daddy, or anyone you know okay?" I advise. They nod and grab my hands. I look around and make sure no one was around. Quickly I rush them back to the car and shake off the anxiety. We drive to Poppy's and I tell her everything.

"You need to move schools," she advises.

"I'll try tonight but it's late and I don't know if that can happen," I sigh. She hugs me and tells me it'll be fine. We try and move schools but it was no use, they wouldn't allow it so late into the year. I grab the kids and head home. They run around and mess with Mere as I call Zoe.

"Hey Alf what's happened," she asks.

"How far are you into your shoot?" I wonder.

"We have three shots left why?" She questions.

"The kids just missed you," I fake smile.

"Oh alright, I got to get going. Tell them I love them and I'll be home soon," she ends. I hang up and try to come up with a new plan.

Hey guys! Hope you had an awesome day and for those of my US people out there,, copy and paste the link and sign up. It's free makeup from Benefit so just helping you out (if it still works). Anyways have a wonderful day and see you next week. Byee!

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