Chapter 6

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Zoe's P.O.V

Today is the day! Our Zara collection A-Z is finally out. The GLEAM team decided to throw us a release party and I'm super excited. They'll have our clothes on display and all of the photoshoot pictures up. All of our friends, relatives, managers, reporters, and those who've helped us achieve this are all going to be there. However, this is Mere's first big event so I'm not sure how she'll handle it all.

"Okay up up," I perk, trying to get Mel and Mase up.

"Mummy why so early?" Mason complains, as I walk into his room.

"Its 11:00 you silly. Also, Mummy needs to go to get things for the party tonight and we need to head into London," I remind, lifting him out of bed. God he's getting heavy. Once the both of them get into their clothes, I put Mere Bear into her carseat and Alfie packs all of our outfits into our car.

"Everyone ready?" Alfie asks.

"Yeah!!!!" Melody cheers. She loves it when we get to go on trips, especially when its to London.

"Shh Mere is still sleeping," I warn.

"Sorry," She whispers. We drive to the hotel and check in.

"DARCYYYYY!!" Melody screams, running in for a big hug.

"Hiii" Darcy smiles.

"You stay here and I'll check in," Alfie concludes, handing me Meredith.

"Hey there Chummy," Louise perks, walking over to me from the check in.

"Hi," I reply, hugging her.

"Where are the little squirts?" She asks, taking Mere from my arms

"Running around some where... So what room you in?" I question.

"32A," She answers. Alfie finishes checking in and we all head into the hotel room. The room was nice with a great view and lots of space. Once we all get settled, it was around 5:00 and we needed to get ready. My makeup and hair artist, Kayla, comes in and starts doing my hair and makeup. She straightened it and kept my makeup simple with a bronze smokey eye.

"Come on lets see it with the dress," Kayla perks, getting the dress off the rack. My dress was black and white with the shoulders cut off. I get out of the tshirt and jeans I was wearing and change into the dress.

"Perfect," She claps, fixing my fringe. Melody was up next and she had her hair curled into a low pony tail. She then applies mascara and a little blush, not wanting her to have too much makeup. Mere didn't need to do anything but on the dress so it was the guys' turn. Kayla gelled both of my boys' hair and they had matching suits.

 Kayla gelled both of my boys' hair and they had matching suits

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"What a good looking bunch," Kayla smiles.

"Thank you," I laugh.

"Would you mind taking a picture of us?" I ask, handing her the camera. Poppy said to bring the camera so she can take photos for us later.

"One, two three," she instructs. We take a couple just to make sure we all are good and then we head down stairs for the party.

Mason's P.O.V

The party room was big. It had lots of blue balloons everywhere and there were the clothes Mummy and Daddy had made too. We meet up with Dom and he tells us everything we needed to do.

"Okay so you and the kids will have to sit on the chairs over there and say your speech first. Then answer any questions anyone asks," Dom tells Mummy.

"Okay got it," she replies. Melody and I began to wander the area and it was really cool. In one room it had a huge table full of bags with the letters A-Z on it. In the main room there was a lot of food and sweets. But Mummy said no eating until everyone gets here. Soon the place begins to get crowded up with people. I don't know most of them so I try to stay with Hayden, Emilia, Darcy, Edaurdo, and Melody. Grandma was holding Mere and watching us play in the private room.

"You're it," I tag Hayden then running around.

"Now don't go too quickly or else you'll fall and mess up that nice outfit of yours," Grandma warns. We run a little slower before Mummy comes in and tells us we have to go on stage. She walks us up and we take a seat on the comfy sofa as Daddy starts the speech.

"How's everyone doing?" he starts, as the crowd cheers.

"First off I just want to say thank you to all of you who have helped us achieve this amazing opportunity and those who have stuck by us," Daddy informs.

"Also thanks to those at GLEAM and Zara for making this amazing creation possible," Mummy speaks.

"Any questions?" Daddy asks, calling on hands.

"What inspired you to start the collection?" one reporter wonders.

"Well it started off with the kiddies. I mean being able to create something where they can run around and play in while being able to look nice is something that's quite hard to find so I thought maybe we could change that. Also just my love for fashion in general," Mummy answers.

"Did the kids have any input on these designs?" Someone asks.

"Definitely.. We asked what colors, what patterns, what style and they helped through a lot of the process," Daddy replies. After a few more questions we were allowed to go play again. This time we wanted to play Ninja and it was Hayden, Eduardo and I versus Melody, Darcy and Emilia. One person from each team would have a battle and who ever wins gets a point.

"Wait! Time out I got to use the bathroom," I call out.

"Grandma I'm going to use the bathroom," I shout.

"Okay," she replies. I dash out of the room and make my way into the bathroom. Once I finish, I try to get back into the room and accidentally bump into a lady. Her drink spilled all over my suit and left a big stain.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry. Come with me, I'll clean you up," she apologizes, taking my hand. I grab it and follow her to the waiting area in the bathroom. She comes out with a paper towel and begins cleaning my shirt.

Sorry again for the late chapter, it has been an insane week. Hoped you guys liked this chapter. More coming next week and thanks for reading. Byeee!

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