Chapter 5

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Alfie's P.O.V

"Thanks Pop, for everything," I smile, escorting them out.

"No problem," she replies.

"By little man," I chuckle, rubbing Hayden's ridiculous hair.

"Bye Uncle Alf," he sighs. They walk out to the car and I head back inside to continue with my editing and help Zoe set up for her video.

"You ready to film?" I ask Mason.

"Yeah!" He screams.

"Girls we're filming okay?" I shout.

"Alright," Zoe smiles. We walk into the game room and plug in the game. I turn on the camera and begin filming.

"Helllllooo guys and welcome back to to the Mason and Alfie show," I laugh.

"We're playing this game," Mason smiles, showing the game to the camera.

"So today we're playing Mario Cart 8 so shall we get on with it?" I ask Mason. We start off playing the game and so far Mason is beating me. He's good at every game I swear. We play a couple more rounds before I heard a big smash outside, along with cries.

"What the heck was that?" I pause.

Zoe's P.O.V

Since the boys were filming a video on Alfie's channel, I thought why not do one for mine as well.

"Mel do you want to do a video with Mummy today?" I ask.

"Yeah," she smiles, running over to me. Since it's almost Fall, I thought it would be great to make some Fall treats. I grab all the ingredients and the things we needed.

"Baby go ask Daddy for the camera before he films. Hurry," I whisper. She goes and drags Alfie back out with a camera on a tripod. I set up all the lights and my makeup to make sure everything was good. Soon I hear Meredith wake up from the monitor and grab her.

"Look who's awake.... Hey there Mere Bear," I coo, kissing her chubby cheeks. I bring her down the stairs and Alfie grabs while I finish up with the lights.

"Alright it's in focus. Watch out for her," Alfie concerns, handing her back to me.

"Okay, Mr. Protective," I chuckle, pecking his lips.

"Mel you ready baby?" I ask, setting Mere down into her playpen.

"Mmhmm," she nods, while shoving her face with M&M's.

"Uh uh that's enough now," I laugh.

"Fine," she sighs, eating one more piece.

"One.. two.. three... Hey guys we're back with another baking video," I start.

"We making autumn treats," Mel screams.

"Yeah so we're going to be making pumpkin cookies, candy corn milk shakes and witch cupcakes," I smile.

"Can we make the milkshakes first?" Mel begs.

"Why not? Alright let me get the ice cream," I conclude. As we were going through the instructions, Mere starts crying. It was really loud and it wouldn't stop.

"Mel watch the blender real quick," I instruct. I walk over grabbing Mere Bear with her blankie and teddy. She instantly stops crying and I go back to the video. I help Melody with one hand try and pour the milk shakes into bowls. She grabs the food dye and mixes the colors.

"Mummy where are the cups?" She asks.

"Oh shoot let me grab them real quick," I offer. I walk over to the cabinet and see that it's too high to reach with Mere in my arms. I set her down on the counter and grab the glasses. As I put two glasses down and reach for more, I hear a loud smack against the ground. I turn around and see Mere flat on the ground. Her cries begin and I run over, grabbing her. I check her head and face too make sure she didn't land on her head.

"Shhhh...." I coo, rocking her back and forth.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Alfie rushes.

"She just fell-" I inform.

"FELL! Off of what?" Alfie concerns, scooping her out of my arms.

"The counter but she didn't hit her head or anything," I reply. He coos at her and rocks her around while rubbing her back.

"Why was she on the counter?" Alfie questions.

"I had to grab something for the video and I left her there for two seconds," I answer.

"Mase, Mel go get your shoes on," he shouts.

"Alf she's fine, the counter isn't even that high up," I remind.

"You don't know that come on," he rushes. I grab the car keys and let Nala into her cage. Mere was still crying through the whole car ride and the kids didn't even bother to say a word.

"Alf I swear it was an accident, I should've been more careful," I speak up.

"I know but I want to make sure she's okay," he replies, grabbing my hand. We get to the Emergency Child room and by now Mere Bear is fully asleep. The wait wasn't too bad but it took sometime.

"Meredith Deyes-Sugg," the nurse calls. Alfie and I go in and meet up with a doctor while the twins stayed in the child center.

"Mere Bear you gotta wake up," I whisper, waking her up.

"So what is the problem," the doctor asks.

"She fell on her arm and we wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with it," I inform. He fusses over her arm and bends it back and forth. When he gets to her wrist, I can feel her tense up and she let out a whimper.

"I think we'll need to double check her wrist. We're going to need to get a X-ray," He informs. Alfie took her to get the x-Ray and went out with the twins.

"Is Mere going to be okay?" Mason asks.

"Yeah baby," I reply, hugging him. I vlog a little and explain what happened. I hope that it's nothing too serious with her arm. About half an hour later, Alfie comes out with Mere who's quietly crying on his chest, and her wrist bandaged.

"Thanks Doc," Alfie smiles.

"Just doing my job," he answers.

"What is it? Please tell me it's not broken," I plead taking her.

"It's just sprained," he relieves. I sigh and thank that it wasn't anything serious. Lesson learned, do not leave Meredith on the counter.

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and sorry it was late. Thanks so much for the support and for reading. New chapter next Friday and byeeeee!

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