Chapter 13

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Alfie's P.O.V

"Alfie wake up... Alfie," Zoe sighs. My eyes slowly open and I sit up.

"Here drink this," Zoe instructs, handing me a glass of water. Mere starts to cry and I try to get up.

"No I got it, you had a lot to drink it's going to kick in soon," she reminds, walking out the door. Mel peeps through the door and I tell her to come in.

"Morning baby," I smile, kissing her forehead.

"Morning Daddy," she beams.

"You ready for our trip to Venice?" I ask. She nods and grabs my phone.

"Uh uh no games yet," I inform, taking my phone. She frowns and grabs my vlogging camera.

"One two three...... Gooood morning," I scream with Mel. My head starts to hurt and I feel sick.

"Mel go downstairs with Mummy," I rush. She agrees and walks down the stairs. I run to the bathroom and throw up everything I had last night. I wash my face and make my way downstairs.

"Cereal for the kiddies and a cheese toastie for you," Zoe smiles, handing everyone all their plates/bowls. We all eat up our breakfast and the kids run off, playing in the game room.

"Come on Alf, we have bags to pack. Our flight is 7:00 tonight," Zoe informs, walking upstairs with Mere. I grab my water and follow her up stairs.

"Grab all the suitcases in the storage room please?" Zoe asks. I do as told and come back with the suitcases.

"So you want to tell me why you were out drinking at 10:00 pm?" Zoe questions, while pulling clothes out of the closet.

"I needed a day out with Sean, that's it I swear," I state, helping her pack things.

"No Alfie, you don't drink without a reason," she scolds, continuing her packing.

"The restraining order didn't go through," I admit, trying to calm her down. She looks at me and frowns.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" She asks.

"Because I thought we found a way, to get rid of her, for good," I explain.

"Alf she was a criminal and yes Poppy told me her history. This Sarah knows how to cover things up and she probably got damn good at it. I knew that it wouldn't have worked but you tried. It's not going to be this easy Alf but we'll find a way," she assures, hugging me. We let go and pack up more clothes. Once we finish up packing, we go back up the kids bags also.

"Hey kiddies you ready to go?" I ask, grabbing everything and loading the car. The kids come running out and head straight into the car.

"Someone's excited," I laugh. We all get into the car and drive to the airport. Once we head inside, we head to check in and then security,

"Mase go on I got it," I inform, putting the bags up on the machine. He walks through the monitor and it starts beeping. Same thing with Mel who was on the other side with Zoe.

"Stand aside," the officer instructs. I walk past it and was cleared. They check the kids and see the bracelets. The kids take them off and walk past the security monitor again.

"Alright, you're free to go," the security guard smiles, giving us the bracelets back. Zoe hands me Mere and takes the other two to grab some snacks.

"Plane 612 please begin to board the plane," the announcer states. We get on the plane and fly off to Venice.

Sarah's P.O.V

I check the laptop and see that the two red dots are moving quickly. Good, they kept the bracelets on. They're probably in a car. But then I notice them taking off onto the ocean. They're on a plane. This is it, my chance to finally ruin him. I wait for the dots to land somewhere and it was in Venice.

"Hi John, I was wondering if you can fly me out to Venice. It's really urgent," I ask. John is my friend's private jet pilot and she owes me a favor.

"Alright miss Chandler, see you in an hour," he agrees.

"Thank you," I end. I quickly pack a bag and head out to the runway. Boarding the plane, I made sure that every thing I needed was ready and set. This is going to be a trip to remember.

Zoe's P.O.V

"Oh my god this place is absolutely gorgeous," I squeal, looking around. The house was small with two bedrooms and a gorgeous view of the city in the backyard where the pool was.

"Mummy lets go swimming," Mason begs.

"Okay bu-" I start, before they ran off.

"Find everything," I laugh. Alfie comes in with a sleeping Meredith and I take her off of him.

"The kids want to go swimming with you," I inform. He nods and gets dressed. Grabbing a book, I take a seat on the lounge chair and hold Meredith as she's sleeping. The kids come out with Alfie and they all jump right in.

"Daddy this bracelet is hurting me,"
Melody whines.

"Yeah me too," Mason joins. He takes them both off and tosses them by the lounge chair. I take a closer look at them and notice they were blinking. I pick it up and feel a little shock. These bracelets are really weird.

"Hey Mel Mase, where did you get these?" I wonder.

"The teacher gave them to the class," Mel beams, jumping right into the pool. I throw them away and continue reading the book.

Hey guys! How's summer going for you guys? Thank you so much for keeping up with this lame story and voting/ commenting. Have an awesome day and see you next week. Byeee!

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