Chapter 4

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Poppy's P.O.V

"Auntie Pop, can we play dress up?" Mel asks me.

"Yeah that sounds like fun. Let me put Meredith down for her nap then I'll come play with you okay?" I inform.

"Okay..... Yay," she screams. Sean took Mason and Hayden (Poppy and Sean's 2 year old son) out for a Guys day. Leaving Mel and Mere here with me. I put Mere down into her crib and she soon falls asleep.

"Can we play now?" Mel smiles, as I walk down the stairs.

"Yeah come on," I smile, heading upstairs to her room. We both walk up stairs and went to different rooms.

"Where you going silly?" I laugh.

"Dress up in Mummy's room," she beams.

"I don't know if Mummy wants you messing with her stuff," I concern.

"Please," she begs, using her signature eyes. Alfie wasn't kidding with this kid.

"Alright only if I see what your playing with first," I conclude.

"Deal," she grins. We go in Zoe's room and she runs over to the vanity.

"You want me to do your makeup?" I clarify. She nods and opens the drawers. I swear Zoe's makeup collection is as big as my closet. I grab out a light weight foundation, a blush, lip stick, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow palette.

"Do you know what to put on first?" I ask, teasing her.

"That one," she smiles, pointing at the foundation.

"Mummy's teaching you way too early," I laugh.

"I help Mummy with her videos," she beams, with pride.

"Oh yeah. You like doing that don't you?" I reply.

"Yeah," she informs. I quickly put on a little blush, a little brown smokey eye, mascara and eyeliner.

"Aren't you a little pretty princess?" I coo, handing her the mirror. She gives me a little smile and does a little twirl. Then we walk back into her room and she starts digging through her closet. I vlog some of this too, thinking it would be great content for later.

"Wow very pretty," I compliment, as she's walking back and forth into the closet.

"Auntie Pop can pick too," she laughs. I get off the ground and go through all her clothes. As I search through it all, I find a striped tshirt, some overall shorts, and black slip-on Vans. She puts it on and I tie her hair up in a messy bun.

"Come on let's get some pictures for the blog," I conclude. I'll probably end up doing a kid fashion post later on so why not get a head start.

"Where's daddy's camera?" I ask, hoping she knows. She grabs my hand and leads me into the huge office.

"In there," she points to the corner. Grabbing the camera, we make our way out in the backyard and pose for some pictures.

"Okay I think I got some great ones," I scream, as she's across the grass. She comes running back and we walk into the house. I turn on the TV so she can have some down time, while I prepared lunch. Once I finish, I get Mere out of bed and sat onto a high chair.

"Hey Pop," Sean shouts, walking through the door.

"Hey babe. How was the day with the boys?" I ask, kissing his cheek.

"Fun. We had fun at the adventure park and had lots of ice cream," he states.

"Hi Mummy," Hayden screams.

"Hey baby," I smile, kissing his cheek.

"How was today with the girls?" He asks back.

"Great, can't wait till we have one," I smirk.

"Maybe... We'll find out in seven more months," he laughs.

"I don't get why you like to be surprised," I sigh.

"You wanted to know the gender with Hayden and I want to be surprised with this one," he laughs. I finish up lunch and serve them to all the kids.

Zoe's P.O.V

Ever since that Sarah girl has popped up, I can't stop thinking why she's doing all of this. Why is she trying to get so close with Alfie when she clearly knows that I'm his? I try and make it seem like it didn't have an effect on me so we can have a calm day, as we planned.

"Zoe, what's wrong?" Alfie asks, hugging my neck, while waiting in line.

"Nothing I'm fine," I smile.

"No you're not. I can tell by the way your clinging onto my arm super tight," he concludes.

"Sarah, that's all. Why is she getting close?" I question.

"I don't know but whatever it is, I'm yours. Don't forget that," he answers, kissing my neck. We pay for everything and buy some more clothes for the kids and ourselves. Once we finish, it was getting late so we headed home with a trunk full of goodies.

"We're home," I scream locking the door behind me. We drop the bags and make our way into the kitchen.

"Oh my god Pop what are you doing? You didn't need to do this," I inform, looking over at all the food.

"Don't be silly, sit down and eat," she smiles. We walk by the kiddies, giving each one of them a kiss then taking our seats.

"Thanks Pop," we beam.

"No problem. Oh wait till you see the shots I got of Mel today..." She states.

"Did she ask you to mess with my makeup?" I question, looking over at her.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind," she laughs.

"It's fine... It happens quite often," I reply. We all eat the spaghetti and then head into the TV room.

"Who's choosing the movie?" I ask.

"Me me me ," the three of them scream.

"How about Hayden chooses tonight?" Alfie smiles.

"Yay," he beams, running over to all the DVD's. He takes out Wreck It Ralph and puts it into the machine. I had Mere in my lap while the twins are squished in between Alfie and I. While Hayden was in between Poppy and Sean. About forty minutes through, Mere falls asleep and I run upstairs to put her in her crib. When I finish, I head back downstairs and spend the night with everyone till we all fall asleep.

Hi guys! Thanks so much for reading and I know that some of you want quicker updates. I'm sorry but that isn't possible right now but I promise when school is done (in a couple of weeks), I'll update more for you guys. Thanks for your understanding and yeah. Have an awesome day and byeee!

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