Chapter 7

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Alfie's P.O.V

"Thank you," I greet at the door. Zoe and I shook everyone's hand and thanked them for everything. Once we finish, we go and find the kids and start heading up to the hotel.

"Where's Mason?" Zoe asks Tracy.

"He went to the bathroom some time ago," she informs.

"I'll go get him," I offer, heading out of the private room. I go to the bathroom and see a woman cleaning Mason's shirt.

"There you are come-" I start. The woman turned around and I automatically recognized the face.

"What hell are you doing here Sarah?" I shout, grabbing Mason away from her.

"I came to congratulate you guys on a big achievement," she whispers in my ear.

"Back off Sarah," I state harshly.

"Or what?" She slurs.

"I'll get your ass back in jail again," I threaten.

"And that's why you're going to have to pay," she smirks evilly.

"Oh and by the way, your new wife is adorable, but you could've done better," she laughs, leaving the bathroom. I check Mason and made sure she didn't do anything to him.

"Did she hurt you? Did she do anything?" I ask.

"No she helped me clean my shirt. Who was that?" He replies.

"One of daddy's classmates from awhile ago. She's not very nice," I answer. We walk back to the room and head up to the hotel.

"Don't tell Mummy about Daddy's classmate, it'll make her upset," I inform.

"Okay," He agrees, opening the door. We head inside and meet up with Zoe and the girls.

"Oh my god Mason don't scare me like that," Zoe coos, grabbing him in for a hug. My phone begins to vibrate constantly and I check it, seeing it was Sarah. I quickly turn my phone off and put it away.

"Sorry Mummy," he replies. We get all the kids dressed and I play around with them for awhile.

"Peek a boo," I coo, messing with Meredith. The twins are playing hide and seek with each other, while Zoe gets editing done.

"Hey I need to get some toothpaste in the shop down stairs. I forgot to bring some," Zoe grunts.

"Can I come too?" Mel begs.

'Yeah come on," She continues, heading out the door.

Zoe's P.O.V

"Did you have fun at the party today?" I ask, grabbing Mel's hand.

"Yeah we played ninja and wall ball," she beams.

"Good... You excited for school, only three more days," I inform.

"Yeah... I can see my friends from gym," she replies. We get to the general store downstairs and grab the toothpaste.

"Hi, just this?" The cashier asks.

"Yes please," I reply, grabbing my wallet.

"Mummy can I get this?" Mel begs, holding up a Mars Bar.

"Is that why you wanted to come with Mummy?" I laugh.

"Nooo," she answers.

"I promise we can come get some tomorrow morning. You've have had plenty of sugar today," I answer.

"Okay," she frowns. I pay for the toothpaste and the cashier flashes me a smile.

"She's precious, have a nice night," the cashier complements, handing me a receipt.

"Thank you same to you," I reply. I was about to throw away the receipt but then I noticed something.

"So glad little Mason wasn't hurt... But it won't always be that way. -Sarah," the note states. I frantically look around, seeing if she was around. Putting Melody on my hip, I walk quickly to the elevator and back into our room. I tuck the kids all in bed and told Alfie to meet me in the hall way, not wanting to wake the kids.

"Alfie what the hell is this? Was she there tonight? Did you invite her? I thought you said you were done with her?" I rush, showing him the receipt.

"Zoe Zoe calm down let me see that," he soothes. He looks at the note and puts his hand on his face, slamming his forehead.

"So you are getting together with her? Why the hell would you do that to me, the kids?" I cry.

"Shhh Zoe. I told you I'm yours and forever yours. When Mason was using the bathroom, he ran into her and she spilled her champagne all over him. She was supposedly helping him clean it up but I have no idea what happened. I don't know how she got passed security or got in but it's got to stop," he states, pulling me into a hug. It made me feel better but knowing that she's out there still is frightening. She would do anything just to get revenge on Alfie. Even hurt the kids. It's got to end now.

"Can we report her? Will that make this go?" I beg.

"If we do she'll just be even more mad and have even more of a reason to come after me," Alfie replies.

"Come on let's get some rest... Maybe we'll come up with something tomorrow," Alfie advises. We walk into the room again and see Mere fully awake, who is standing up in the crib. I grab her and lull her back to sleep, while Alfie takes a shower. I gave her multiple kisses on her cheek and she flashes me a smile. Knowing that someone is out there, hunting us, is all too much. The twins have had enough already and I don't want anything to happen to Mere. If anything would happen to her or the twins, I don't know what'd I'd do. They're my everything. Once Mere falls asleep, I set her down in the crib and wipe my tears.  Alfie gets into bed and I join him.

"We're going to get through this, I promise," Alfie whispers, kissing my forehead. I snuggle into his arms and try to fall asleep.

Hey guys! New chapter for you and also 1K reads. Thank you all so much. Also, I'm not able to upload on Fridays anymore so I'm changing to Saturday. Anyways have a fantastic day and more to come next week.

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