Chapter 16

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Zoe's P.O.V

It's been months since the whole incident and it still scares me. The thought of it all, it could've ended in a total different way. I snap out of my thoughts and check the time. 5:32 AM. I slowly get up and start setting up. Although the whole incident has left me a bit shaken, I still have to try and get past it. However today is one of the most exciting days. It's Meredith's first birthday! I can't believe she's already one. It feels like yesterday when I first told Alfie I was pregnant with her. Now she's turning one and almost walking. Vlogging it all, I get downstairs and turn on the lights. It was still dark out since it is December. I feed Nala and start decorating. I went for a Sofia the First theme since she never takes her eyes off the TV when it's on. I start setting up and then get a text from Poppy.

I'm out front

I hurriedly run to the door and find her standing there with a huge cake.

"Thanks for picking up the cake so last minute," I smile, putting it in the fridge.

"No problem. Sean said he'd bring Hayley and Hayden over when the twins are up," she informs.

"Alrighty then, let's get to work," I laugh, grabbing things from the kitchen. We start cooking different meals and preparing snacks. As I was whisking the cookies, I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist and I knew it was Alfie.

"Morning gorgeous," he smiles, kissing my neck.

"Morning," I smile, pecking his lips.

"Can't believe our baby is already one," he sighs, leaving his arms around my waist as I whisk cookies.

"I know. She's growing up way too quickly," I admit. We stay like that for awhile and then he actually had to start helping.

"A little more to the left," I instruct, telling him to move the banner. He finishes it up and it was perfect. We all take a seat and sigh with relief that it's all done. Checking the time, it's now 10 AM, and the guests start arriving at 11. The kids have been sleeping in since they don't have school so they don't get up till 10:30. I had a little time to spare so I went to Instagram to make a post.

Happy 1st Birthday to my little Mere Bear! December 21, 2015, my life has completely changed again thanks to you my little princess

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Happy 1st Birthday to my little Mere Bear! December 21, 2015, my life has completely changed again thanks to you my little princess. Nothing will ever be the same now that you're in our lives and we wouldn't have it any other way. So to my baby girl, I wish for you all the happiness and love in the world. Please stop growing and Mummy loves you more than you'll ever know 💕😘

After pressing post, I hear a cry upstairs and rush to grab her.

"Hey Mere Bear," I coo, getting her out of the crib. She instantly smiles the second I walk into the room and excitedly shakes the crib, wanting to get out. I lift her up and load her chubby little cheeks with kisses. She gives me a little giggle and I set her down, changing her into a cute little outfit. Once we finish, Alfie comes up to her nursery and steals her from me.

"Happy Birthday Princess," he coos, kissing her. He sets her on the ground and holds her hands as she tries to walk around.

"Wait Alf I think she has it now," I squeal, sitting on the ground with the vlog camera. Alfie holds her on one side of the carpet and I sit on the other side holding my arms out.

"Come on baby you can do it," I coo, as Alfie let's go of her. She slowly finds her balance and walks towards me without failure.

"Oh my god she did it!" Poppy screams, as she enters the room. We both hug the hell out of her and were really excited.

"You need to stop growing. I can't keep up," I whisper. The twins finally get up and they get into their party outfits. We all head downstairs as the guests start arriving. The hours continue on and on, and everyone was having a good time.

"Before we start singing. I wanted to thank you all for being a part of this special day, where my little princess is officially turning one. Everything you do for us is amazing and thanks again for being a part of our lives," Alfie cheers. Everyone claps around us and I start the birthday song. The twins stand right beside her and all three of them never looked happier.

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Meredith. Happy birthday to you!

The twins help her out with the candles and we start cutting up the cake. Everyone grabs a slice and we all hang out until it's time for everyone to go home.

"Thanks for coming," we smile, as people are leaving. Alfie offered to clean up and told me to get to bed since I was so tired. The twins took quick showers and brushed their teeth and joined me into my room for a movie.

"Which one?" I ask, scrolling through Netflix.

"Minions!" Mason demands. I press the movie and we spent the rest of the night watching it. One by one, each kid starts to doze off and fall asleep. First Melody, then Mason, and lastly Meredith. Just as I was about to fall asleep, Alfie joins us in bed and wraps his arm around my stomach.

"I love you," he whispers, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too," I whisper back, pecking his lips. He places Meredith and Melody in between us and Mason stayed right next to me. I smile at the sight of my family. Through all the things we've been through, we all remained happy and loving just as before. We are stronger together and nothing can ever touch that.

Thank you to all who have been waiting and been super understanding (even though some weren't as nice). This is unfortunately the last chapter and the last of this series. I'm so grateful for all my readers and what you've all done for me throughout these stories. For those who want to continue to read my writing, I have more stories on sooo many different things (Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars & Pitch Perfect) and don't know which one to upload soon so make requests. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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