Chapter 12

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Alfie's P.O.V

"Are you sure we should do this Alf? The last time I told you to get the police involved, you said it'll just make it worse, and that she'll run off. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it'll be better if we don't," Zoe asks.

"If we file the restraining order, she has to stay away for good. Then the kids can go back to school without having her do something. I'm sure it'll be more beneficial than bad," I reply.

"Alright just remember, no matter what, we'll get through this," she kisses. I head out the door and make my way over to the courthouse.

"How can I help you?" The woman asks.

"I need to file restraining order," I inform. She hands me a form and I fill it all out.

"Okay so you will get the papers when the court approves the order. We'll give you a call if it pulls through," she concludes, taking the forms. I walk out to the office and grab food for Zoe.

"Zoe I'm back," I shout.

"Hey keep it down they're studying in the other room," she informs.

"Oh sorry. It's done, now we just need the approval and then it'll all be done with," I smile, kissing her cheek.

"Okay, I hope we did the right thing," Zoe replies, messing with Meredith.

"Hey baby," I coo, grabbing Mere. Zoe and I let her crawl around, going back and forth between us. My phone rings and I immediately answer it, thinking it was the court.

"Hi is this Mr. Deyes?" The woman asks.

"Yes it is," I reply.

"I would like to speak to you with regards to your request for a restraining order," she states.

"Oh yes, did we get the approval?" I question, walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry Mr. Deyes there is no Sarah Stevens on file. Maybe you got the name wrong? Or perhaps there was a spelling error," she informs. No it's not a mistake. I made sure the name was correct along with the age. There is no way I got this wrong.

"I'll stop by and check the papers," I sigh.

"Alright see you then," she ends. I get a text message from a Blocked ID number and I check the message.

You know how I am... With me, things are never easy

"Hey Zoe I'll be back," I sigh, leaving my phone at home. I needed to do something to clear my head. Driving over to Poppy's, I head inside and look for Sean.

"Hey do you want to grab a drink? I could really use one... Or a few," I state.

"Okay," he agrees, dropping his work.

"You two don't drink too much," Poppy warns, as we leave the door.

"Okay okay," we laugh. We head to the bar and grab a drink.

"So why did you need the therapy?" Sean chuckles.

"Shit happens man," I snort, shoving down a glass of scotch.

"Clearly," he answers. We have more drinks and conversations.

"Okay I gotta use the bathroom, you think you can stay here?" Sean asks.

"Yeah yeah go," I giggle, taking another drink. I wave my hand at the bartender who pours me another drink. A woman takes a seat next to me and looks over at me.

"What's up with you? Bad day," she asks.

"Very," I answer, putting my glass down. The bartender comes over and she informs him on her drink.

"I'll have what's he's having," she smiles.

"So why are you here?" I wonder, making conversation.

"Nasty break up," she answers.

"Ahh those are the worst," I laugh.

"Tell me about it," she eye rolls.

"Hey we gotta go. Poppy called," Sean informs. I finish up the drink and the woman scribbles something down on a napkin.

"Call me and we can talk about our nasty break ups," she whispers, slipping the napkin into my pocket. I flash her a smile and we walk out.

"Alf you are drunk off your ass," Sean states, leaving me in the car.

"No I'm not," I slur.

"You just flirted with a girl, and now you have her number. You're drunk," he scolds.

"Well I guess I am," I laugh. He drives me home and walks me in.

"Oh my god Alf I've been calling you for ages," Zoe worries.

"You have? That's adorable," I giggle.

"Way too many drinks," Sean sighs. She grabs me and thanks Sean. I see a kid run across the hall and she chases the other kid.

"Woah they're like ninjas," I laugh.

"Okay you need to rest. This is going to bite you in the ass in the morning," she reminds.

"It will won't it," I smile, wrapping the blanket around myself. She turns off the light and closes the door.

Zoe's P.O.V

What has gotten into him? I thought that the restraining order was what he wanted.

"Mummy is it time to eat yet?" Mason asks.

"Yeah come on," I beam, going down the stairs. Mere was already in her high chair and Melody was trying to grab something in the fridge.

"Baby what do you want?" I wonder, walking over to the fridge. She points to her juice bottle and I hand it to her.

"Thank you," she replies, taking her seat at the table. I hand the kids their plates as I feed Meredith.

"Is Daddy going to eat?" Melody questions.

"No he's tired baby," I answer.

"Oh," she frowns. Once we finish dinner, I put Mere in for bed and the kids wanted to stay up a little while longer.

"Mummy can you play hide in seek with us?" Mason begs. I agree and they run off hiding.

"Ready or not here I come," I call. I see Melody behind the curtain and I grab her from behind.

"Gotcha," I shout. She squeals and tries to get out of my arms. We go around the living room and Nala leads me to the pantry. I open the door and find Mason inside.

"Found ya!" I beam.

"Okay Mel is it!" Mason shouts. We play a couple more rounds before all of us have to get ready for bed.

Hey guys, hoped you enjoyed this chapter. This book is also going to end pretty soon and are only few chapters left. Have a good day and see you next week. Byeee!

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