Chapter 11

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Sarah's P.O.V

My plan worked and now I'm all set. Scaring Alfie was only the first part. The kids however are super smart. For only being five the concept of black mail seems to be pretty vivid to them. My laptop rings and I check on it.

"They're at 16930 Hollow Street," I acknowledge. I put tracking devices on the kids bracelets I gave them. So where ever they are, I'm sure is where Alfie is. I finish up with the laptops and come up with the next plan.

Alfie's P.O.V

"Alf calm down... You'll find something," Poppy eases.

"Pop... The woman took the kids and left them in a park. She couldn've done much worse things if I hadn't gotten there," I inform, raising my voice.

"Alf you need to lower your voice... I finally got all of them to sleep. Keep looking, I'll go check on the kids," she sighs, walking up the stairs. I try all the public schools around our area and didn't find anything. I take a little break and try private schools.

"You didn't wake them up which is good," she states, taking a seat right next to me.

"Wait... If volunteers are welcome anywhere, what would make a private school any different?" She points out.

"So home school?" I conclude. She nods and I make a couple of phone calls.

"Alright thank you. See you Wednesday at 9," I smile.

"So?" Poppy questions.

"Mr. Archibald is ready for the two of them on Wednesday," I sigh with relief.

"See I told you. It'll be fine," She smiles.

"Yeah but I still don't know how to tell Zoe," I remind.

"It'll all work out," she assures. Knowing Poppy, she always has this thing about being right and currently I can tell she's happy that she is.

"Pop just say it you know you want to," I agree, putting my head into my hands.

"Are you sure? Cause I can hold it in for after it's over," she giggles.

"I know Pop I fucked up," I conclude.

"Okay I'm holding it. Sorry Alf but look on the bright side. Zoe is an amazing woman who truly cares about you. Sure you might've had trouble getting to her, but you found her. Now get up to bed and we'll tell her in the morning," she answers, walking up the stairs. I follow close behind and make my way up to the spare bedroom. The kids wanted to spend the night with Hayden, so they all crashed in his room. Mere was sleeping soundly in the middle of the bed. I take my spot next to Mere and fall asleep, with her cuddled into me.

Zoe's P.O.V

Once our flight has landed, I say bye to Maddie and we go our separate ways. I turn my phone back on and check the messages.

"Hey Zoe, we're at Poppy's. It was a rough night. Get here ASAP and love you" Alfie's text read. I get into a Uber and head straight to Poppy's.

"Oh my god what the hell happened? Is everything alright? Anyone in the hospital?" I panic, walking through the door.

"Mummy!" The kids squeal, as I get through the living room. I hug and kiss the both of them, happy they're okay. Alfie walks in with Meredith and I scoop her up.

"Alfie what the hell is it? You can't scare me like that," I inform, clinging onto Meredith.

"Hi Zoe welcome back. I got the kids, I'll leave you two here," Poppy smiles, taking them all out to the garden.

"Alf what it is?" I start, taking a seat.

"You were right and I should of moved the kids out sooner. It's been a week only and Sarah has already done something to them. So I took action, they start homeschooling on Wednesday. It's the trial run so nothing intense on them," he rambles.

"What she do?" I gasp.

"I was helping out here with moving and stuff that I completely forgot the time. When I got to the school, they said a woman had already picked them up and when I checked the sign out sheet, it was signed under your name. I panicked because knew it was Sarah. Luckily I found them safe and fine but it still scared the crap out of me," he explains, shaking. I hug him and we stay like that for a while.

"I'm sorry for all of this. It's my fault I shouldn't have gotten involved with her," he admits.

"Hey.. It's alright. How'd you know that your ex was going to go on crazy after you? We just have to be prepared for the next move..." I reassure.

"And that is?" He adds.

"Maybe if we spend the next couple of days out, it'll distract her. She can't do anything to us from somewhere far. And it'll give us time to you know to clear our heads, get away from all of this mess," I offer.

"That sounds really good but you know we've still got work to do," he sighs.

"Finish it up by the end of the week or we'll do it when we get back. Alf, this is about how we need to strategize and clean up this mess, not jet skiing around at the beach," I reply.

"Fine but we need to get all of this done soon," he agrees. I grab the laptop and find the first place that pops up.

"We're going to Venice this Saturday," I beam, booking everything.

"Okay but Zoe, remember we still need to figure out how to get to stop her. This isn't a getaway to paradise," he explains.

"Yes I know Alf. We can do this," I clarify, finishing up the process.

Hey guys! Soooo sorry about the late update, summer has been real busy lately. But hoped you guys liked it, even though it's a weird chapter. Thanks for reading and updating soon. Byee!

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