Chapter 14

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Sarah's P.O.V

I land on at the airport and pull out my laptop. I check the signals on the bracelets and see that they weren't red anymore. The connection was cut. I take the lost location they were at and get a taxi to there.

"We're here miss," the taxi driver, informs. I look at the house and get out of the cab. I pay the driver and grabbed my bags. Once he drives off, I set my bags at the front and analyze the building. It was a pretty small house with barely anyone around. After I finish my pre check, I call another cab and head back to my hotel. This is going to be great.

Alfie's P.O.V

"Come on, get up. We have a whole day planned," I shout. The kids rub their eyes and slowly get out of bed. Zoe was already downstairs making breakfast before we head out to the beach.

"Morning gorgeous," I smile, kissing Zoe's lips.

"Morning," she replies. The kids come waddling down the hall and take their seats at the table. I grab my vlogging camera and start it off.

"Morning my little sleepy heads," I laugh, handing them their yogurt. They quickly eat it all up and we head out to the beach, right behind the house. The beach was pretty small and there were almost no people there. Mason and I ran straight into the water and into a wave. The water was warm and a clear blue. Zoe, Mel, and Mere were sitting on the beach blanket and refused to get into the water.

"Come on baby, you're never scared of the water," I state, trying to change Melody's mind.

"But its cold in the ocean, and there's sharks," she whines.

"I promise you there are no sharks. Mason and I checked already. Mel come on. Its super warm, and the waves aren't big," I persuade, trying to get her into the water. She shook her head and clung onto Zoe. I made sure Mason was okay and run over grabbing Mel.

"NO DADDY!!" She squeals, as I toss her into the water. Mason laughs while Melody comes back to the surface of the water.

"Not funny," she laughs, flicking water at the both of us. I splash her back and we all end up having a war. Once we settled down a little, Zoe brought Mere in a floaty and we all played with her.

"Zoe come on you need to get in the water is great," I state.

"Yeah come on Mummy," Mason cheers.

"In a little bit, I want to get a bit of a tan first," she answers. I carried Zoe into the water exactly how I did to Mel and the kids laugh their little heads off. A wave washed right over and Zoe didn't seem to come back up.

"Come on Zoe this isn't funny," I shout. She didn't come back up and I was seriously starting to get worried. All of a sudden, I feel someone snatch my ankle, and drag me down into the water.

"Holy crap you scared the hell out of me," I gasped at Zoe.

"But I got you so good," She smirks, high-fiving Mason.

"Yeah yeah whatever," I snort. It was getting a little later in the day and Mere needed her nap.

"Mummy can I please get a ice cream?" Melody begs at Zoe.

"Later baby," Zoe answers.

"Fine," she frowns, as Zoe walks into the house with Mere.

"Okay lets go get some ice cream and then we can go back to the beach," I smile, grabbing the kids arms. There was this cute little gelato place down the corner and the kids spent a good twenty minutes deciding on the flavor they wanted.

"Did you decide on the flavors?" the worker asks.

"May I have strawberry with Nutella?" Melody informs.

"Alright and what about you mister?" he continues.

"May I have vanilla with caramel sauce?" Mason smiles.

"Would you like a flower?" he asks. Both kids nod and he carefully scoops the gelato into a shape if a flower.

"Thank you!" the kids beam, as he hands the two of them the cones.

"No problem," He smiles.

"You got some sweet kids there," He states, as I walk over to the cash register.

"Thank you," I smile, handing him some money.

"It's on the house. I've never seen kids so sweet," He beams.

"Thank you," I smile, slipping money into the tip jar.

"Have a nice day," Mason waves.

"You too," He waves back. We head back to the beach and notice that it got a little more crowded.

"How about we take a little break and come back for our picnic. Does that sound good?" I offer. They don't even answer, all they cared about was their ice creams. We walk up to the house and I see a woman by the front door.

"May I help you?" I question, letting the kids inside.

"Sorry to bother your but I'm looking for Michael Pansino, is he here?" she asks.

"I'm sorry this isn't his house," I inform.

"Oh well okay thanks anyways," She answers, walking down the street. I watch her carefully and slowly make my way back inside.

"Daddy who was that?" Mason asks.

"Someone who got lost," I inform. They go back inside and watch some cartoons on my laptop. I go and look for Zoe. I found her in bed, asleep cuddled with Mere. Carefully, I close the door letting them rest before our little beach night later.

Hey guys! Sooo sorry for the wait but lately I've been stuck so it's harder to write chapters. Hope you have a nice weekend and thanks for reading. Byeee!

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