2: Birthday Tickets

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Abby's POV

Sitting at the kitchen table, I shyly watch my foster sister, Stella, blow out the candles on her twelveth birthday. I pull at my black jumpsuit trying to cool myself down, so I don't over heat. It's not exactly a jumpsuit, it's a collection of black clothes: black long sleeve, black sweat pants, black sweat-shirt and black tennis shoes. 

"What did you wish for?" Toby asks her eagerly.

"I can't tell you, now can I?" She says winking.

"Please?" he begs. 

"Nope," she grins at him. 

"Kids, stop fighting," Mr. Anderson barks at them. The instantly stop arguing and sit straight. 

"Here's some cake for the new twelve-year-old," Mrs. Anderson says perkily while setting cake in front of Stella. Then she hands Toby and her husband a piece of cake before handing me a piece of stale bread and Dixie cup of water.

"Thank you," I mutter politely. They look at me shocked while Mr. Anderson glares at me. I internally kick myself for speaking up.  

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"It's not an apology until you say sorry to Stella for ruining her birthday, but we'll have fun tonight," he says smirking.

"I'm sorry, Stella," I say speaking up.

"I forgive you, Abby," She says slightly smiling through her hair so her Dad doesn't see.

"Toby! Don't wipe that on your sleeve! Here use a napkin!" Mrs. Anderson shouts throwing him a napkin.

After they eat dessert, I try to contain my stomach hunger as Stella opens her presents. I've never opened a present; I don't even remember the last time I was given a present.

"Awesome!" She yells pulling papers out of an envelope.

"What are they?" Toby says grabbing at them.

"They are tickets to a concert for a movie!" She shouts excitedly. I hug my knees to my chest nervous that I'll throw up whatever I ate but that hurts so I stop.

"Cool! How many are there?" Toby shouts.

"Five!" Stella says then stops and recounts them.

"Yeah, you get to choose a friend or someone else to come with us," Mrs. Anderson smiles proudly at her daughter.

"Awesome, so um me, you, Toby, dad, and hum, uh can Abby come?" She says glancing at me as my face loses color. Is she crazy? Does she want to be hit?

"Um, that's up to dad?" Mrs. Anderson replies looking at Mr. Anderson who was smirking at me. He nods and they kids jump for joy.

"On one condition," he states coldly, "Abigail, there will be a punishment for us missing your nightly routine."

"Alright it's set," Mrs. Anderson says with a monotone.


I lie awake waiting for Mr. Anderson to come it that night thinking of all the ways he could punish me. 

Hours later, I'm finally thrown back in my "room" covered in blood and crying like a baby. I try to sit up and move but I can't. I'm sticky with almost dry blood and I'm too weak to. I just lay there trying to think of better times but the saddest thing is I can't everything has been like this. I start humming the one song I know by heart.

"I guess you really did it this time,

Left yourself in your warpath

Lost your balance on a tightrope

Lost your mind tryin' to get it back

Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?

Always a bigger bed to crawl into

Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything

And everybody believed in you?

It's alright, just wait and see

Your string of lights is still bright to me

Oh, who you are is not where you've been.

You're still an innocent,

You're still an innocent," I sing myself to sleep.


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What song did Abby sing?

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