8: Live For Me

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Anna's POV

"Abby Elizabeth Kendrick, you are officially mine in ten days but for now you are gonna get dressed and we are gonna head out, but we have to come back tonight," I say pushing the door open to my daughter's hospital room.

"Okay," she mumbles.

"Look, Brit and I brought you clothes, a small dress," I hold up a pink dress with leggings.

"Cute," she says smiling.

"You like it?" I ask setting it on the end of the bed where her feet don't reach.

"Yeah," she says happily.

"And here's some shoes," I say showing her a small pair of shoes.

"Cute," she says again.

"Yeah, here I'll help you get ready to go," I say pulling back the covers. She's getting better but not much better. The doctor said she won't recovery fully mentally but he's gonna give us some PTSD pills.

"All done," she says sitting up. We've been working on walking but it makes her light headed and we have to stop then.

"Alright, I'll be back," I say leaving the room once again. I'm taking Abby to set just for the afternoon. We had to push wrap day another week because of set backs but today's the last day. I'll just say it might have been me.

I get the doctor and he instructs me on what to do for all the medical emergencies. Most of it was call 911.

Then I'm finally allowed to go but Abby has to be back by nine. So we have five hours.

"Let's go little girl, I was told that you have to be in a wheelchair because your legs are stable enough to walk," I say as a nurse comes in with a small wheelchair. They talked about crutches but it'd be hard to do that with her amount of strength. She'd still struggle and it'd just be a small step above nothing.

"Oh," she says glumly as I lift her in the chair and strap her in.

"Hey, we are going to a wrap party and to see the last scene be shot, so that'll be fun, right," I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah," she says as I try to figure out how to run the wheelchair. It's a pain in the butt.

"Okay, I finally got it," I say pushing her out the door and grabbing a bag on the way out.

We make it to the car and I put everything in the car before I load her in. I spend like twenty minutes folding up the wheelchair.


"Okay, Abby, we're here," I say parking. I'm definitely the last one here and we're shooting one last scene in the auditorium it's gonna be auditions.

"Okay, I'll come get you out, let me just get everything else out," I say hopping out of the car skidding my phone in my back pocket and grabbing my keys.

I pull out the wheelchair and struggle getting it to pop back out. Then I get the bag from the hospital for her and finally I grab my purse. Last but not least, I strap her in the chair.

"You okay?" I ask as we walk up to the doors.

"Yeah," she whispers. I stop and bend down in front of her.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll be here the whole time, you're gonna be fine, if you want you can sit on my lap until you're comfortable," I whisper. She nods.

"You gonna be okay?" I ask to be sure.

"Yeah," she says barely above a whisper.

"Okay, let's go in," I say pulling open the door and pushing the wheelchair through. We should have gotten a stroller, I hate this thing.

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