12: Magnetic Love

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Anna's POV

Anna, you just need to man up and tell her. There's been a ton of speculation already. Just man up, already. I keep telling myself. All day everyday I try to work up the nerve to tell her but I can't seem to find the moment or bravery.

I can, I can't, I can, I can't switches in my head like a child playing with a light switch. One side says tell her the other side says wait.

Confuse, I decide to call Anna Camp.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey, Anna I have a question," I say.

"It's Anna, oh sorry Skylar was asking who I was talking to, what's up?" She asks.

"I'm debating on if I should tell Abby that I'm her birth mom or not?" I say.

"Heck yeah, tell her," Anna says.

"But it's not that simple, Abby has bipolar, I don't want to set her off," I say.

"Kendrick you should talk to someone about it, then tell Abby. Regardless if she has it or not she has to know that's an excuse not a reason, now go tell her then start learning, okay?" Anna says sternly.

"Okay, thank you," I say.

"Alright bye Love you, talk to you soon," she says.

"Love you too, tell Skylar hi for me," I say.

"I will," she says before I hang up.

"Abby?" I call out in throughout the small house.

I hear small sobs coming from the family room.

"Abby?" I ask, she doesn't bother to look at me.

"Hey, Abby?" I say tapping her shoulder. She looks up quickly and hides her face in her arms. Somehow she managed to pull her legs up, so she was curled in a ball.

"Abb, hey what's wrong?" I ask.

"Y-you s-said I-I was a b-bur-burden," she says wiping her eyes. Warm tears still fell from her brown eyes.

"I didn't," I say.

"The tv said, You did ANNA," she says shouting my name. Not Mommy, Anna. Anna the woman who just adopted her.

"I didn't I promise, the tv doesn't say the truth," I say defensively.

"It t-told me!" She yells.

"No, it told you a lie Abby," I say.

"It told me!" She shouts.

"Abby, I thought you were playing on the iPad," I say.

"I was but I accidentally bumped the remote," she says in a quiet tone.

"Abby, you ever hear of gossip?" I ask.

"No, what's that?" She says looking through my blue eyes as if the hatred isn't enough.

"It's a, well a, it's a thing about someone that someone else says, that can or can't be true," I say trying my best to explain.

"What?" She says confused.

"It's where someone will talk about you behind your back," I say using simpler words.

"Oh, rumors," she says. I can't help but laugh a little.

"Yeah, it's fake. You never have been, never will be a burden," I say.

"Really?" She says with a hopeful look.

"Yeah," I say giving her a giant hug.


It was after dinner and Abby was laying on the couch drinking a sippy cup of milk. I was laying in the other couch trying to find the nerve to tell Abby. We were watching another Disney movie.

Taking a deep breath, I start to speak.

"Abby?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She says looking over at me.

"Do you have a necklace in shape of a key?" I ask.

"Um yeah, it's gold and it has the letters AEK engraved on it," she says before continuing to drink down the last of the milk.

"Yeah, where is it?" I ask.

"It's in my room on the nightstand," she says.

"Okay I'll be right back," I say. I head upstairs and walk down the hall to her room. Flick on the light, then start looking around he nightstand. It was stacked with sippy cups, papers, crayons, coloring books, and books. I find the necklace sitting on some book, she chose last night.

After grabbing her necklace, I quickly head back downstairs.

"Abby, can you pause the movie real quick?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says pulling her blanket over her shoulders.

"So your necklace here is very special," I say.

"Yeah, my birthmother gave me it," she says in an obvious tone.

"Correct. But your birthmother also engraved it," I say.

"Yeah AEK," she states.

"Abigail Elizabeth Kendrick," I say.

"Yeah that's my current legal name," she says looking at me like I've fallen off the deep end.

"No, no. A for Abigail, E for Elizabeth, and K for Kendrick," I say spelling it out for her.

"Huh?" She says confused. I pull my necklace out from under my shirt and take it off.

"Abby, I'm your birthmother, and your necklace is one of a kind. Your necklace fits inside my necklace," I say showing her.

"Wow, cool," she says looking at the necklaces.

"Yeah, I'm your birth mother," I say trying to get the point across.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm regret giving you up but now your here," I say moving to sit on the couch she was laying on.

"Well why'd you give me up?" She asks.

"Because I was selfish and I thought you'd be better of with two parents and a stable environment," I say.

"What's selfish about that?" She asks.

"I gave up not only for the good of you but for my career," I say.

"You gave me up so you could go to sets?" She says.

"Yes, I'm sorry Abby," I say.

"Well I'm here now right," she says.

"Yeah, I'm never gonna let go of you again," I say hugging her.

"Well can you let go off me so I can finish watching the movie," she laughs.

"Yeah, I'll go put this back," I say heading upstairs to set the necklace on the nightstand.

I did it and it went surprisingly well. I'm happy to know she's happy. And happy to not have to keep secrets. Now I don't have to worry about that next step is working out the bipolar thing. I do realize it's gonna be a long term thing but beginning to  learn and stuff will be short-term eventually I'll know what I need to to help Abby. For now I'm gonna go finish that movie.

Thanks so much 1k reads!!!!! That's amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

What do you think happens when Anna tells Abby about her bipolar?

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