19: Four Past Birthdays

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Abby's POV

Today is April seventh or my birthday to be exact. I wake up and I hear lots of voices all around the house. We're in LA but I know we're going to the Zoo because I really wanna go and mommy said we might go on my birthday.

I wonder if she remembers it my birthday. She has missed all of my birthdays, I couldn't invite her to them because I didn't know her then but now I do and I hope she takes me to the zoo.

I wanna see the monkeys and bears.

"I think the birthday girls up now," I hear from downstairs. I was hopelessly trying to stand up. But I just can't. I'm suppose to have another surgery before we go on a press tour. Mommy said we get to fly and talk to a lot of people. The surgery should repair me back to normal then I have a month of braces and I'm all done.

"Abby?" Mommy says opening the door to my blue room.

"Good morning," I say.

"Good morning my little lion," she says lifting me out of the crib. Well now it's more of a cot but it's okay. That means I'm getting better.

"Do you know what today is?" I ask.

"No, what is today?" She asks picking out some clothes and changing me.

"It's my birthday," I tell her.

"Really?" She says surprised.

"I thought you would know," I say getting frustrated.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I was just acting, you're five today," she says putting my shoes on.

"I know I'm five, duh," I say.

"Okay," she laughs, "do you know who's here?" She asks.

"No, who's here?" I ask while she pulls me up on her shoulder.

"Brittany, Anna, and uncle Michael," mommy says.

"I though you were Anna," I say with a confused face.

"I am but there's more than one Anna in the world. There's even more than one Abby," mommy says.

"Really? There's two of me?" I ask.

"No, you and the other Abbys share the name Abby you guys are the same, you just share a name," mommy says as we greet the others in the kitchen. They were raiding the pantry as mommy calls it.

"Oh," I answer, "Good morning," I say as I'm passed to Brittany.

"Good morning little A," she says, "what do you want for breakfast?"

"Some food please," I smile.

"Wow I guess we can make some food," she laughs.

"Thank you," I say laughing with her.

"Alright how about you go get in your chair and we'll bring you your special birthday breakfast," uncle Michael says as Brittany puts me down. I run to my chair and climb in to it. It's the same chair but I don't hate it as much. Mommy moved it to the table so I can eat with everyone and be apart of everything. We had to put the tray on it but that's because I can't reach the table in it but that's okay. The table had six chairs but now it has five and my chair.

I can't buckle myself properly but I can get in it. Anna comes and buckles and puts the tray on then mommy brings over my birthday breakfast. It was five very tiny pancakes with butter and syrup. And a little candle that was lit and was the number five.

"Happy birthday," everyone cheered.

"Thank you," I smile widely.

"Make a wish," Anna says.

"But I have everything I wished for, I've got food, and a nice family," I say.

"Well then just blow out the candle," uncle Michael chuckles.

"Okay," I say spitting a little on my food trying to blow out the candle. Everyone cheers as the candle becomes unlit. They bring over their filled plates and we begin talking with our mouths full.


We headed to the zoo in one big car. We are going to the San Diego zoo. We get to spend a night there, so we can go two days.

Uncle Michael drove and mommy sat in the passenger seat. Brittany and Anna were squished in the back with me.


We pulled up to the heavily crowded hotel. Security met us at the door, and helped us all get settled in our rooms.

Then they picked us up in time for dinner at a the Olive Garden. I was dressed in a spring dress and mommy was in jeans and a t-shirt. We got out of the car in a hurry and scrambled into the restaurant for safety. They took us to a private room that was filled with gifts and balloons and a cake and everything I dreamed of. I remember Stella's birthday, she was kind to me, but I didn't enjoy her birthday, sorry to say. Hopefully everyone enjoys mine.

We ordered food, opened presents and ate cake and ice cream after dinner. Everyone seemed to be happy. Just us five celebrating. No one else knew it was my birthday or anything. So it made it very special.


Today we had to wake up early and get to the zoo. I saw tigers, bears, monkeys, birds and so much more. We got frozen lemonade too. It was so yummy. Everyone had to wear sunglasses though it was bright and hot. We all drank a lot of water.

"Abby, look," Anna says directing my attention. We brought a stroller but Anna doesn't mind carrying me.

"It's a lion," I say.

"Yeah, it's a big lion," she says.

"Hello lion," I say.

"Look he's saying hi back," Anna says as the lion kind of wanders towards us.

"Oh," I say pulling away.

"Don't worry, there's a fence, he can't come too close," Anna points out.

"Oh, okay," I say.

"Guys we gotta go," uncle Michael says.

"If Abby wants to look at the lion longer she can," mommy protests.

"Yeah," Brittany agrees.

"Okay, sorry but the zoo closes in twenty minutes and we are twenty minutes from the entrance.

"I know, don't worry, someone is coming to pick us up," Mommy says.

"Alright then," uncle Michael says taking a seat.

I stare directly at the lions. You could now see both of them. One had lots of hair around its head and the other didn't.

We watched the lion for about twenty more minutes before the golf cart picked us up.

We drove out of the zoo gates and straight to the car. We load up and drive back to the hotel for some room service while watching the lion king in our pajamas.


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