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I receive a message from the same unknown number that texted me three days ago. What the hell?

*umm...still the wrong number*

I send my reply with a frown on my face, is this guy stupid or what?

*No I got the right number this time. Wait, this is the annoyingly stubborn girl from a few days ago right?;)*

I roll my eyes at the terrible attempt at flirting. What is he playing at?

*Thanks for texting me and everything but I'm really not interested.*

Does he seriously think I'm going to text some creep I don't know? I laugh at the stupidity and unlock my door, locking it behind me and taking off my hat. My cheeks heat up from the temperature difference, it's freezing out there. A typical day in London, I guess. I kick off my boots and sit on my bed in my small apartment room as my phone vibrates again.

*Interested now?;)*

I frown as I open the image attached. What the fuck? I throw my phone on the bed and rub my eyes, desperately trying to remove the image that's imprinted into my eyelids. I can't believe he just sent me a picture of his dick! I don't even know the guy! What is wrong with boys these days? What ever happened to being a gentlemen and asking a girl out on a first date? I pick up my phone and angrily type a reply.

*What the fuck?!! I don't want to see your flaccid dick now stop texting me creep!!*

I groan to myself and throw my phone back on the bed, I tie my hair up into a bun and look into the mirror. I wipe the smudged mascara from under my eyes, the cold air outside always causes my eyes to water. I frown when my phone vibrates again. Really?

*My bad, I'm very very drunk and I obviously misjudged your character.*

Why is he still texting me?

*Yeah, you did. Goodbye leave me alone.*

I collapse onto my bed. Why do boys think everyone wants to see their genitals?

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