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"Quick hold my hand." I whisper to him as I spot two suspicious people outside of the small cafe we're currently in.

He obliges and takes my hand in his, softly lacing his fingers into mine and resting our hands on the table as we talk to each other. I frown at my reaction to his touch but shake it off.

"Have you always wanted to act?" Brad asks me out of nowhere. Is he suddenly taking an interest now?

"Uh well, when I was really little I wanted to be a dancer and then I went through a whole phase where I wanted to be an author." I answer him. "Have you always wanted to sing?"

"Ever since I can remember." He nods with a soft smile.

"It must be amazing to actually achieve your dream." I say, I didn't mean to actually say that out loud but this conversation is going well so far.

"It's a weird feeling. Like, I feel accomplished but then I just get bigger dreams like getting an award or something. It never ends." He shrugs with a little chuckle. "I can tell you'll do well though, I wouldn't doubt yourself."

I look up to him with shock. He actually complimented me? I think that was a compliment anyway.

"It's a hard business to get into, there's so much rejection. Hopefully, this will get me some recognition." I smile. My eyes drift to our joined hands for a second but make their way back to his eyes.

"It will, I can tell." He says calmly whilst drinking from his coffee. I notice his thumb trace a light circle on my hand but he instantly stops as he realises what he's doing.

This is strange. Brad's phone dings in his pocket so he releases my hand to get it out. I'm sort of thankful because I am acting strange today and I don't like it.

"Ah fuck, it's Joe. He says its urgent, we need to go."  He stands up from the table and puts some money on top of it.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, indicating to the money.

"Paying?" He responds with a confused look.

"No you're not. I had coffee too, I need to pay at least half." I argue.

"I'm paying and we're leaving." He orders and walks towards the door. "Come on, we need to go." He pushes me.

"Next time, I'm paying." I argue but leave the cafe whilst holding his hand for the cameras.

The flashes don't seem to be as bright as before which is a good sign because it means I'm getting used to it. Good. We get into the car and the driver takes us to the big building where we always meet. Me and Brad hold hands getting into the building for the one or two people outside and make our way up to the meeting room. I realise that we're still holding hands and take mine out of his.

"Oh, sorry." Brad mumbles as he pushes open the door to the meeting room.

"It's fine." I shrug and follow him inside.

"Sit down, guys." Joe says, seeming very stressed. His hair is a mess and his eyes seem tired

"What's up?" Brad asks as he takes a seat next to me.

I notice James and Sylvia sitting in the room also. I wonder how they're getting along.

"Some fans found old pictures of you guys at a party and they've manipulated them so that you guys seem to be kissing and touching, I don't know. Basically, we're in deep shit." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"What are we going to do?" James asks.

"We need you guys to crank up the relationship. You need to be extra coupley and Alexa and Brad, you need to kiss in front of paparazzi." Joe informs us, my stomach drops. Kiss?

"Why us?" Brad pipes up.

"Because Alexa is an actor and she has experience with platonically kissing someone." Joe scowls at Brad.

"What about James and Sylvia?" He asks.

"You will have to be more touchy and cute in public, you need to go on more dates and post shit online. Just make it believable." Joe continues. "Please guys, we need you to do this."

"Fine." Brad and James mumble together.

I don't speak. Of course he's right, I do have experience with this and an actors kiss means nothing. But it feels strange to be kissing Brad, it feels as though there's some sort of built up tension between us that makes this mean something. But it doesn't.

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