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We enter the restaurant, it is extremely fancy and I feel very out of place in my skinny jeans and jumper. I wish I was warned it would be this fancy. Brad talks to the waiter that greets us at the door and tells him about our 'reservations'. The tall, slim waiter leads us to a table in the far corner of the restaurant. It backs onto a cream wall, covered with plants vining up and down it. I like it here.

We both take a seat on the table for two, the waiter pulling the chair out for me. I thank him and look back to Brad who is watching me.

"What?" I ask him, he seems to be caught off guard.

"I was just wondering if you're being fake to that waiter because we both know you're a bitch." He shrugs. My mouth hangs open. Not even five minutes into this 'date' and he's already insulted me.

"You don't even know me." I snap at him. No one has ever been so disrespectful to me, and that's saying something considering I'm in the acting business.

Brad rolls his eyes as the waiter approaches our table with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. I eye him as he pours the glasses, I don't have the heart to tell him that I don't drink.

"I know girls like you." Brad answers as the waiter leaves.

I hear the snap of a picture and resist the urge to turn my head to the side. I sigh and rest my hand on top of Brad's which is resting on the table. He raises his eyebrow at me but soon catches on. I smile at him lovingly and rest my hand under my chin.

"You wish you knew girls like me." I respond to him with a grin on my face, acting for the cameras.

Brad stares at me for a second without saying anything, I wonder if it is for the paparazzi or not but I soon ignore him as I see the people with cameras get kicked out by a waiter. I release a deep breath and let go of his hand.

I pick up my phone out of my pocket to see I have a message from dick boy, making me smile.


I type a quick reply to him before looking back up to Brad.

"Who are you texting?" He asks me.

"I don't see how that's any of your business." I lean back in my chair and eye him carefully.

"I was just wondering who could put up with texting you for so long." He shrugs rudely and stares off into another direction. I scoff at his words.

How can someone who doesn't even know me, judge me so quickly? I shake my head and smile thankfully when the waiter takes our order and leaves. Brad spends about ten minutes on his own phone before I notice someone taking pictures again.

"Brad." I whisper. He looks up and notices my fake facial expressions, quickly playing along.

He connects our hands, lacing his fingers in mine. I pretend to laugh at something he says and he winks at me several times. Inside I am cringing at holding this assholes hand but I'm getting paid to do this so life isn't that bad.

Eventually, our food comes so we can separate our hands and eat. The cameras are still clicking photos and people around us are starting to stare. I keep my head down and eat my food, I don't like causing a scene but I guess 'dating' a famous person causes a lot of scenes.

After a lot of fake smiles and loving stares, we finish our meal and leave the restaurant hand in hand. Joe had already paid for the meal and when we arrive outside, the car is waiting for us. We both get in after being slightly bombarded with paparazzi.

"Where are we going now?" I ask him.

"I'm going back to my hotel room, so you can do whatever you want." Brad huffs.

"Okay." I reply simply, I really can't be bothered to argue with him right now.

The car pulls up outside of the tall building where all the meetings seem to take place.

"Your stop." Brad says rudely. I don't respond to him, I thank the driver and get out of the car. The car drives off as soon as I'm out of it, he really is an asshole.

I get a taxi to take me back to the tube station and begin the journey back to my apartment. I unlock my phone to see a few messages from dick boy.

*I'm boreddd:(( message meeee*


*Hello please talk to me I'm pissed off.*

I frown and reply to him.

*What happened?*

The tube seems to move slower now, making me even more frustrated with today. Thankfully, he answers me quickly.

*She is so annoying omg:/ How was your day anyway?*

I reply with a smile, I'm enjoying talking to him. Even though I don't even know him.

*Probably the same, really shitty. Let's be positive though!!:)*

I attempt to raise his spirits and my own as I can't be bothered to be pissed off over Brad.

*Do you know what will make me positive?;)*

I laugh internally at his sudden flirtatious attitude.

*I have an idea but go ahead.*

The tube pulls up and I get off of it in a hurry, I just want to get home. My phone buzzes.

*Seeing you;)*

My stomach turns. Does he mean send pictures or does he mean meet in real life? I don't think I have the guts to meet him, I've been enjoying not knowing who he is. I quickly type a reply.

*Well you'll have to wait and see;)*

I realise that it comes off a little flirty and kind of indicates me sending pictures but that is definitely not what I'm intending. It's just my nice way of saying no. I'll deal with one boy at a time, I already have to deal with a fuckboy, I can't deal with dick boy as well. I laugh at the comparison and unlock my apartment door, instantly flopping onto my bed as my phone buzzes.

*Can't wait;)*

I smile slightly before kicking off my boots and snuggling into bed. I'm exhausted from all this travelling and dealing with the fuckboy.

*I'm going to sleep, stop flirting.*

I send him the text message and snuggle into my bed. My phone buzzes once more, making me groan.

*Night babe;)*

I smile at the message and his lame attempt at not flirting, before falling asleep in all of my clothes.

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